What's Up With Greg Bird???

in #sports8 years ago


Ouch. Yankee first baseman Greg Bird is off to a BAD regular season start. How bad? How about 1 hit in his first 26 at bats ( bright spot: that one hit was a double), and no hits in his last 20 at bats for a whopping .038 batting average. Coming off of a spectacular spring training, where he played in 23 games, hitting .451, with 8 home runs and 15 RBI. So, why now does he stand at the plate, fanning his bat like a Girl Scout, fouling off balls weakly, and striking out 13 times?
His performance has been blamed on a foot injury from fouling a ball off of his foot in March, and/or a bout of what was either the "flu" or "food poisoning" , depending on who you read ( maybe it was the "bird flu"?).
Manager Joe Girardi seems to still believe in Bird, wth apparently no plans to remove him from the line-up. What alternative is there really? Prospect Tyler Austin has a broken foot. There is really no one else visible on the horizon, unless the Yankees consider a trade.

So come on Bird, I want to see you do well, try doing whatever you did in spring training? Everyone's rooting for you!!