Am Mittwoch das 2. Halbfinale in der Championsleague. Das Duell scheint entschieden, aber im Fußball hat man schon so manche Überraschung gesehen.
On Wednesday the 2nd semi-final in the Champions League. The duel seems decided, but in football you have already seen some surprise.
Der AS Rom spielt zu hause gegen den FC Liverpool. Rom hat im letzten Heimspiel sensationell den FC Barcelona aus der Championsleague eliminiert. Die Situation scheint ähnlich, aber 2 mal traue ich der Roma diese Sensation nicht zu. Liverpool hat zu hause 5:2 gewonnen und ich bin mir sicher, daß das Team von der Anfield Road mindestens 1 Tor in Rom schiesst. Ich tippe 2:2.
AS Roma play at home against Liverpool. Rome have sensationally eliminated FC Barcelona from the Champions League in their last home game. The situation seems similar, but 2 times I do not trust the Roma this sensation. Liverpool won 5-2 at home and I am sure the Anfield team will score at least 1 goal in Rome. I guess 2: 2.
Best regards & Glück auf
sportfreiFunny game @all
Sir @sportfrei,
I also expecting gor 2:2.
1 goal is not so tough i think sir. keep sharing sir. Your sports news is really useful sir. Go on. best of luck sir.
I write my opinion about the game only. 2:2 could be a realistic score.
Best regards
this is an exciting match,
will roma can repeat the game like when against barca.
but I think they can not afford it,
I support liverpoll in this game
Thansk @sportfrei
The game against Barca was really fantastic but it's a very hard job to repeat this. I think if Liverpool score early Roma lose the self-confidence.
Best regards
I am pretty sure that Liverpool will go to the final...Liverpool's defence is not as good as his attack. Rome will score at least 2 goals. Liverpool will score 2 goals as well... Final whistle 2-2
The defense of Liverpool was a little uncertainly in the last minutes but now Klopp has his final.
Best regards
I never believe that Liverpool would win roma during the first leg
This might end draw
I can't still believe that Liverpool will get to the finals. Omg
I'm sure Liverpool goes to the final.
Best regards
But one thing they can't win
This is Madrid's birth right
Esperando el encuentro de hoy para definir el otro finalista, entre el choque Roma vs Liverpool, donde el marcador global es de 2-5, muchos dicen que la final será Real Madrid vs Liverpool, yo digo que la pelota es redonda, cualquier cosa puede pasar, la Roma viene de eliminar un tímido Barcelona en el Olímpico de Roma, la inspiración de jugar en casa produce ese plus al equipo.
En lo personal, considero que el Real Madrid ya superó a los Grandes de Europa, Campeón de Francia (PSG), Campeón de Italia (Juventus), Campeón de Alemania (Bayern), no es por menospreciar a los rivales pero la tercera corona seguida es del Real Madrid, por jerarquía, todas las encuestas y las estadísticas lo dan como ganador.
Espero que les haya gustado mi resumen, nos leemos!
Hope Roma scores first, so we have at least some kind of game tonight.
Liverpool scored first and thats why the team of Jürgen Klopp jumped to the final.
Best regards
I think, again Liverpool won and result may be (2-3)
I'm sure if Liverpool must win the game the team can do but 3 goals ahead.
Best regards
But if Roma won the game by 3-0 and they qualify for final..
I know but it's the same Christmas day and new year day would be the same day.
Best regards
Right...Day same but name difference.. : name fact
Liverpool may deserve the win,,
Roma will try their best to revenge ,,but this is too hard...thanks for daily update news ,,,@sportfrei
Sure Roma will try but this should be not enough against the Liverpool of Jürgen Klopp.
Best regards
I Also never believe that Liverpool would win roma during the first leg
This might end draw
Draw is O.K. and Liverpool will celebrate.
Best regards
Ich tippe auf ein 2:3
Klingt nicht schlecht. Auf alle Fälle sind wir uns einig, daß Kloppo mit den Reds im Finale steht.
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