Relegation match, 2nd Bundesliga-3rd League, WISMUT AUE vs. KSC

in #sports7 years ago


Morgen großer Showdown in AUE. Nach dem 0:0 im Hinspiel spielt AUE zu hause gegen den KSC. Ich hoffe, daß ichh das Spiel ohne Herzinfarkt überstehe und bin live im Stadion dabei.

Tomorrow big showdown in AUE. After the 0: 0 in the first leg plays AUE at home against the KSC. I hope I can handle the game without a heart attack and I'm in the stadium live.

bsg.png vs. ksc.png

AUE spielt zu hause gegen den KSC. Karlsruhe mit einer sehr starken Defensive die komplette Saison und AUE wird versuchen den Gegner permanent unter Druck zu setzen. Ich denke mal im ausverkauften Erzgebirgsstadium wird die Luft brennen. Ich hoffe auf einen 2:0 Heimsieg, aber der KSC wird sich dagegen wehren. AUE muß in der 2. Bundesliga bleiben und ich bin optimistich, daß es auch gelingen wird. Auf geht's AUE kämpfen und siegen.

AUE plays at home against the KSC. Karlsruhe with a very strong defensive the entire season and AUE will try to put the opponent permanently under pressure. I think in the sold out Erzgebirgsstadium the air will burn. I hope for a 2-0 home victory, but the KSC will defend against it. AUE must stay in the 2nd Bundesliga and I am optimistic that it will succeed. Let's fight and win.

Best regards & Glück auf
sportfreiFunny ans successful game for AUE @all


it will be a great match ,,,thanks for inform me ,,i waiting

I hope so to see a great game of my team.

Best regards

yeah..That's a good news..You are the witness person of this game,,i hope this game will so exciting ..Thanks for your review

We must win and we will win.

Best regards

I hope there will no problem and finish it peacefully..I love football,,
It keep away the bad habit ,,
Football is a game of cool minded,,I think
AUE will win.
awesome review @sportfrei

My heart must be strong today and thats why beer, beer, beer.

Best regards and cheers

I also love football..I am a player,,my friends are called me "CR7"
i am a fan of Ronaldo..Football is a awesome game..Thanks for sharing..

thanks again just @follow you..I think Home team may win with 3-1 score..

We have not superstars but we can fight. I sign your 3:1.

Best regards

I guess, Result...
AUE vs. KSC ( 2-1)

This score is ok for me but we must tremble before the last whistle.

Best regards

Thanks for appreciating me

We won 3:1 and everybody in the stadium was drunk. :-)))

Best regards

It is going to be an amazing game.

i really enjoy these kinds of games.
(idk how to say)
like lower level games ?

2nd Bundesliga is not really low level. We won 3:1 and everybody happy.

Best regards

Moin, grad die 2. Halbzeit gesehen. Aue stark. Bertram saustark. Super fight. Freu mich für Euch. Glückwunsch. Ein Astra drauf und bis bald wieder auf St. Pauli.
Forza und Glück auf! :-)

Danke nach St. Pauli.
Da haben wir die Sache gerade nochmal hingebogen. Freu mich auf 2 Auswärtsfahrten nach Hamburg. :-)))

Glück auf

Hope that it would be a great match.

Great match and great celebration after.

Best regards

Thanks for inform us @sportfrei i am waiting for this match..

Into two hours I will go to stadium. I will make some pics and show you after.

Best regards

I am still Waiting for this match, thank for great news to provide us.

Whats you final score???Welcome to my blog @mrperfects

Best regards

I remember when Karlsruhe was still one of the top teams in Bundesliga and playing also some great European matches.

Karlsruhe in the European cup it's years ago and you can not compare this team of today with the great old fighters like Edgar Schmitt.

Best regards

or Slaven Bilic.

Sure... Slaven Bilic was a great player too.

Best regards

Slaven Bilic was used to train Besiktas. He is a manager like big brother of his players (not a so called "boss type" man)... But he is not a good teacher for young players.