Benefits of school based sports

in #sports7 years ago

Except for pride and team building there is a lot of benefits in school based sports.

Sure we are not all built to be athletes, but there are many benefits and lessons to be learnt by participating in school based sports. It really is a pity that so many schools are cutting these programmes. A comprehensive paper was released highlighting these benefits “Relationships Between Youth Sport Participation and Selected Health Risk Behaviours from 1999 to 2007”

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Overall the study found that the advantages in Schools Based programmes includes:

  • Self-esteem and social competence
  • Weight Control
  • Problem solving
  • Weight Control.

And also reduce some very important rates:

  • Juvenile arrests
  • School Dropouts and Teen Pregnancies.


This is the most obvious benefit when participating in schools sports or in any sport for that matter. As we are moving into the electronic age, e-gaming and just general time spent in front of computers, our younger generations generally do less sport. Sure, some e-games are physically challenging, but it is not a replacement for outdoor sports. When you train and are physically active, our bodies by default requires more nutrition, and as a result we just eat better.

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In another study Physical activity behaviors and perceived life satisfaction among public high school adolescents, benefits was found in school based sports in all groups but especially females.

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It appears reasonable to suggest that for White females, playing on a sport team, especially one at school, appears to be protective. Playing on sport teams may enhance school connectedness, social support and bonding among friends and teammates for White females, and may have greater value compared to regular exercise. For males (Black and White) it appears that regular exercise, stretching exercises, actually exercising in PE class, and playing on a sport team at school are protective for improved quality of life (perceived life satisfaction). For males, building endurance, stretching, and strength training (White males) may be more important mentally and physically for competitive sports at school and for overall mental health. (Valois, 2004)


Participating in sport will generally give us more time with strangers and other groups. This leads to better social skills.

“Girls who compete in sports get better grades, graduate at higher rates and have more confidence. The vast majority avoid unplanned pregnancies, drugs, obesity, depression and suicide.” (Anderson, 2012)

We will never all be the best in everything, but as long we give our best and enjoy the participation and all the things which go with it we are all winners.

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Nice post! I currently teach at a private school and have been for 7 years. I agree that sports play a positive role in the lives of most children. At the same time, simply stating that a school should have 'more' sports or put more emphasis on sports is easier said than done. While most students recognize that participating in sports is good for you for all the reasons listed in your articles; however, not every student is "good" at sports. Students who not athletic or unfit are put off of physical activity even further when they notice that they are far behind the average crowd.

The staff at your respective schools have to come up with a program that is inclusive of all skill levels, fitness levels, and focuses on a healthy lifestyle as a whole. Of course do provide higher ability students with the opportunity to play competitive individual and team sports.

main thing is health ! health is wealth :)

Weight control.
Problem-solving skills.
Social competence.
Academic achievement.

Great post I totally agree on the benefits of kids in sports they become more aware & healthier Thank you for sharing @mannyfig1956

I totally agree on the benefits of the (school-based) sports, but I disagree with the terminology. What you guys in US call “professional sports” I call it “sports based entertainment”. That's why I think school based sports teams in US are the real sports teams.

Thanks for sharing, something that needs to be promoted alot more!

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Becoming better team person, trust me that is extremely useful in the workforce.

The relevance and benefits of sports can never be underestimated. Most importantly; health and social. Great post.

sport is the only natural way of gaining good health

It is very beneficial for kids that's for sure. The benefits help out in life not just if they go on to olay professionally, but just in general to help out with health, wellbeing and the social aspect.

Some people in the world probably grow up to suffer. Money is not trouble in money - emotional trouble

I remember when sports was considered just as important as any other subject. You had to take part, only a letter such as one from your doctor, could allow you not to.

Every child was fit, even kids that were a little chubby could still run and jump like everyone else.

You must not only train the mind, but the body too.

Great article, I am professional swimmer and I agree with this post! Sport can teach us not technique and build our performance but it is beneficial in every aspect in life! Check my blog, please . I have written about it too. Followed :)

very good article, thank you so much!

I still remember how happy I always was when I met with other guys, playing soccer or other sports...will never forget that, friendships were built, fun, discipline as well and of course girls were looking at us :)

studies have also shown that sport also help in the developement of the brain especially in children and keeps the neurons firing in the brain.

Sports really are a great time for sure.

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Couldn't agree more. I've had the pleasure of coaching a cross country team at a small school this year. We focused on improvement and having fun. Very relaxed atmosphere and no pressure. We doubled the team during the season because of the reputation of being fun coaches. We had some good athletes and some not so good. Everyone was accepted and our good runners proved to be great team leaders. We threw a surprise party for them on their last practice and the joy was a sight to see. It was hard work, lots of long days. But rewarding.

Beyond being healthier and just sitting around playing video games, there is a lot of value that comes from sports. Competition, team building, leadership, companionship, friendship, communication. Skills that can be applied through life. You learn how hard work, dedication and practice leads to improvement. And you don't have to be good at sports to benefit.

My parents are both educator and majoring in sports, music, and arts. As a child of them, I have seen these benefits in their students who were active in sports.