Let's have fun again! Sport is a great unifier, an activity reaching across socioeconomic, and whatever other borders. It is a leveller amongst humans, abiding by the ancient dictum of survival and triumph of the fittest.
Picture credit: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/4b/67/a8/4b67a8372a7cfdefd4a53190d35c04f1--baseball-family-quotes-baseball-quotes-funny
Somewhere, what used to be a relaxing and fun activity, sport became over regulated and instead of making the sports code stronger it made it “politically correct”, and took the fun out. Everything is suddenly so serious. Swimsuits mimic fish skin with scales to facilitate aerodynamics. What used to be the pool became an aquatic park. Clubs and kids from less wealthy and less prestigious clubs and schools suddenly have a slim chance to make it to the big league, because of overpriced equipment which is totally unnecessary up until a professional level.
Picture: https://www.swimoutlet.com/blog/top-tech-suits-compared-the-gangloff-review
I watch ambitious and angry parents at swimming meets living vicariously through their child in the pool. It's all about the competition. And someone, somewhere needs to inject the fun back in. This is where @SportsPodium is going to relevel the playing field hand in hand with you.
Whether you are 8 or 108, we are going to equip you through blockchain technology with crypto tokens to give yourself, your kid, your club, your school or your neighbour's child the equipment which is now a must have. While earning tokens while having fun, you will have a better chance to be the best you can be. Wealth should not be hoarded, but used and spread to create broad based success, and it is time we take the sporting world out if the dark ages of gladiators dying for the elite. Just like life, sport is for us all, old and young rich and poor!
It is going to be as simple as you maintaining your sporting profile and information, and earning tokens that you can use to make sports yours. Watch, follow, believe, put the word out amongst your friends and join us.
Please share this post far and wide and follow us @sportspodium for more information.
If you missed our earlier blog posts, please see the links below:
• New platform launching for blockchain based social media platform aimed at the global sport community
• Who is the SportsPodium Target market?
• Background to SportsPodium - ICO to be announced!
• Why SportsPodium is such a good idea
• Why was Sports Podium Created?
• Sport Statistics - Soccer
• The role of role modelling as a driver for success
• What is the most supported sports in the world?
• The top 10 most played sports in the world
• SportsPodium is sponsoring Steem Saturday
• Badminton - The second most played sport in the world.
• What Steem Saturday Johannesburg is going to accomplish?
• Steem Saturday Johannesburg – The Venue
• Success of Steem Saturday 2016
• Steem Saturday Johannesburg 2017 is now open for registration
• Managing-and-working-with-olympic-medalists
• The need for @sportspodium – What are we aiming to solve?
Lets Make Sports Fun Again :)
And so say all of us at SportsPodium
Thats the reason, i got away from teamsports mostly, because even at the lowest leagues, it is not about fun anymore.
But its you deciding, if a single sport makes you have fun e.g: martial arts, crossfit, weightlifting, calisthenics etc.
great post
i agree with you money has made sports bad
Help us level the playing field!
Great post once again. Absolutely agree with sports being available to all, regardless of age, income or location...
You make me so happy. Thank you for your suppor5support. We couldn't agree more with your sentiments.
Great post. Nice @sportspodium
Thanks Franklin!
You had me at a Sandlot reference. haha
Totally agree with you,money is taking over some sports now making it harder for everyone to participate. Great project to get more people joining in well done and keep up the good work.
We cant do it without you. Spread the word and join the fun!
Sounds great. Sport is a great way to exercise without it having to be a chore... health benefits being the side effect of having fun! :)
Absolutely. You make a very valid point!
money def play a important part in choosing for some people . but still luckily we have some games in which money is not that important at all. espcially games like marathon , cricket , football do not need to have big money to start. many people have made it in those sports from poor background.
Yes. There is more money in sport than you think though, even the smaller ones. It is just poorly distributed. Do not get us wrong, we do not begrudge people making a living out of sport, on the contrary, but it is those people that should get most of the money, not the administrators. Many sponsors rather withdraw than have their brands brought into disrepute by unscrupulous people that try and get to the athletes money.
It is this unfairness which makes my blood boil. Every child from every background will be able to participate in a sport which he or she wants if we work together on SportsPodium.
A well-written post! Keep this kind of content going!
Thank you
Great article! Sport has great benefits for health, but connecting people is also big advantage :)
Thanks and agreed.
You are spot on!
hello, I live in Myanmar Country.I like your post
and nice it.
Thank you
Myanmar is a beautiful country. We are happy to see you here!
In sports, like in any activity, you always must to have fun
Help us bring it back :)
As a sportsman who enjoys soccer, cricket, sailing, golf, tennis and plenty more. I find if you like many sports its hard to get to a certain level of ability when you don't just choose one or two sports.
I agree that money is getting silly in sport, especially soccer...
Paul Pogba last year to Manchester United was 89 MILLION Pounds (115 million US dollars!)
It is a shame. Which is exactly why we are creating SportsPodium. I have a friend with a daughter who does rock climbing and you can imagine how far down the list THAT is. But with blockchain technology and our platform rewards are equal and every sporting code will benefit. On a personal level I am fed up with rugby and cricket getting our lion's share of funding when swimmers and all other athletes have to perform and keep morale high. But I promise you, we are going to change this hand in hand with guys like you.
Thanks for your comments
You speak for so many. If i sometimes look at a sports equipment shop or see somebody in a "nano suit" who just drive around the block or to get some sunday rolls i'm wondering.

animation from giphy.com
What happens if he don't use his suit? Is it a vital equipment for a few hours bike tour with the family or a 20min workout? Regular physical exercise is wonderful and if someone feels better with such equipment it's fine also for the equipper. But i think the most important thing is..
Just move!
Thanks for your comment.
Absolutely. I am hesitant to go here, but Phelps proved that he was as fast in a Speedo as in the full suit - and you are right, just move. Therein lies the fun. Not in the labels.
very impressive post i liked
Thank you! Much appreciated.
Breath of fresh air compared to the money hungry professional sports.
What a nice comment, thanks man!
https://coinstarter.com?ref=nqxdo33tx a good place to get an ICO started.