Choosing the Right Sport
In previous posts, we talked about how to find the right sport for the player and for the entrepreneur starting their own sports business. And in the last one, we came at it from a different angle and completed the trinity by addressing the host locations... So now the question is:
So How Do We Make Everybody Happy?
First, Let's Recap:
- The Competitors- They are without question the most important part of the equation. If we don't address their needs, there is no reason to have a league. So, Why do they come?
** Socializing/ time with friends
** Blow off steam/get away/night out
** Enjoy competition - The Leagues-
** Enjoy the sport/give back/grow leagues/responsibility to make better
** Business/income
** Spotlight/visibility/'known as'/image - The Establishments
** Enjoy the atmosphere
** Dependable income
** Retain Employees
** Cost effective form of advertising/marketing
There are other reasons, sure. But these are the main driving force behind each group's involvement.
Once we understand this, we can step back and realize that the missing link, the element which is not present is....
Let's Explore this from a Different Angle
Reasons why any of the 3 are not involved:
- Unaware of leagues around them
- Bad experience in past
- Don't want to look stupid
- Unsure of how to get involved
- Cost?!?
- Leagues are 'closed'
- Don't like the crowd
- Too much of a commitment
*** And the list goes on
Any and All of the objections can be applied across the 3 groups, but once we are aware of where the 'other guy' is coming from, and the 'other guy' understands your perspective, they don't hold much weight.
Let's be honest, the Education needs to begin with the Leagues and Supporting Businesses
They are the bridge which connects the whole thing... and they stand the most to gain (or lose)
So how to we begin to educate?
Well, I'm glad you ask.
We begin by having conversations (like this one)
We begin by having sites like this and using it as a communal resource
Do I have all the answers? Shit No. But I'm not afraid of the questions and I will get those answers.
theLEAGUEFEED isn't anything revolutionary. It's just a meeting place. Here to help out by looking at things with a fresh perspective, giving VOICE to a community which has had a limited say in the past.
Educate- As League owners we need to answer those scary questions which are reflections of knowledge we have failed to provide to either group. Whether it's fear we do not have the answers, or just a passionate rush to build business, we cannot continue to gloss over the bad and focus only on the positives when talking with players and hosts. Not if we are in it for the long run.
And We Gather Our Resources
Post about your league HERE. Talk about the triumphs and tragedies. If you write you own post, I'll resteem it on this blog. Don't give up any trade secrets, but do make the community stronger (and your leagues deserve the recognition)...
Offer HONEST advice. Let's not focus on bringing on a new host bar or throwing beginners in with advanced players just to turn a buck and fill a slot. As a business owner, an entrepreneur, we are better than that. It doesn't do anybody (including yourself) any favors, in the short or long run, and in fact, makes everyone's' job a little more difficult everytime it happens. Help build not only your business, but your league community
Educate ourselves and others about our business and our sports, the demographics of the participants, how well which sport offering will and will not gel with each type of establishment.
And be absolutely upfront about what commitments and returns these establishments will have. Losing a sale today, for a relationship down the road if necessary.
Each League is it's own type of dysfunctional family and needs to be treated and respectedas a family would. We hold the establishments to the commitments we have been honest about, and it's a two-way street. We hold the players to a level of conduct when visiting these hosts.
It's tough, the leagues are so attuned to blowing smoke up your ass to make things happen, and then kissing that smokey ass to make things right afterwards. This is a major shift, but the years of slash and burn mentality are coming to a close. We need to look at win-win relationships, becoming a marketing arm to our host bars, etc.
There are Social Sports Organizations already taking this approach. Delivering more than they promise, and recruiting a loyal player and host/sponsor base as they go.
And, then there are the Advocates
Treat them like gold because they are much more precious!
These are the players, bar owners, administrators which make the league run smoothly, grow the amount of teams and players, and generally make the leagues look good.
To the Advocates I say-- You may have the most important voices in the whole damn mix. Speak up here, comment and coach, recruit. You're input is most welcome!
##(center)Education and Growth--The Key Points(/center)
(center)This may seem like a lot thought to be put into these silly little leagues, but any league owner, rep or administrator knows that in order for these 'night outs' to go seamlessly, there's a lot of work put in behind the scenes... Here's the takeaways:
- Honesty- about what to expect in regards to the business a league will generate
- Right Sports- Not all business is good or welcome business. Take a good look at the type of patron each establishment is trying to draw. On the flip side, take a look at the type of players which are drawn to each sport (demographics). If they are not comfortable with an establishment, they are going to visit as little as possible and if they play in-house this can be downright uncomfortable for all involved. If the league is offsight (dodgeball, soccer, bocce, etc) are they actually going to stop by, will they become returning patrons even when the league isn't in session? (The hope of the establishment)
- A Little Different Way of Viewing the League Players-Understanding why a person plays in the league they play in, the sport they choose, is crucial in making this night a success for everyone involved... As I have said before, leagues kind of grow like a dysfunctional family, bars and restaurants need to know upfront that they won't be 'flipping their tables' anytime soon. The players gather, and enjoy, and when treated well become lifelong customers and advocates of your place. Talking with friends and sending business your way. (if done right)
- Advocates - Something We really only touched upon. They come from the league player ranks and can make both the size and quality of your leagues grow. But the most important Advocates are even closer to the business. They are your bartenders and waitstaff. They have the relationship with the customers, the influence. And when they are passionate about growing a league, they can do wonders. Give the a roll of marked quarters to challenge customers you would like to see in the leagues but may be too hesitant to give it a try. When it's slow, it's just like hanging out with a friend. And once you get them past the 'worry I'll look stupid' stage, 9 times out of 10 you'll have your next player, your next team captain, your next advocate. And this leads into the next point...
- Recruitment - Often the approach is to find the best players and make them customers. Try this. Approach your best customers and turn them into players. How? Glad you asked. Resources like this blog with how-to's and playing tips for one...
And so, we wrap it up.This isn't everything. But it is a start...
once we take that step of developing a Community Hub here, the sky really is the limit
A growing resource with articles (original and resteemed) about the adult social sports league community (podcast in the works)
If learning to play these sports, from how to find a league to sign up with, through all stages of learning the game you choose interests you, along with setting up and running leagues, well give me a follow.
ALWAYS looking for quality content! If you are posting anything along these lines, leave me know. If it's quality I would love to resteem or link within one of my posts!
Building Stronger Leagues is name of the game....
and don't forget to Feed the Leagues!
I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 2.22 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @swansed.
This post has received a 11.79 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @swansed. They have officially sprayed their dank amps all over your post rewards. GOOD TIMES! Vote for Aggroed!