Hmm! I've watch silently in some awe as the incomprehensive discussion on how some users judge your existence in the platform, and fault you on how you are supposed to use your power on this platform by not being part of any clique (group)
Well..let me start off by saying being part of a clique or ''Circle Jerks'' as @abhi claimed it to be, doesn't mean that you have bad intentions for the platform! I'm part of one and I can't deny that. But, so far you're helping others and not trying to game the platform for your own selfish interest, then I think you shouldn't be pointing fingers.
To me 'A Clique' or Niche is that of a chair that has some sort of struts, or arms, presumably designed to prevent one from falling off if one slept through the strange softness.'' - To which @tosyne2much has done by supporting and bringing in new users almost everyday to this platform.
Last time i checked, @tosyne2much haven't in anyway indulge himself in a cheap act just by gaming the platform or selling his rewards off for an unreasonable rate at the SE market (I'm not even in anyway praising or claiming him to be a saint, because no one is perfect, but the fact that he'd helped the platform in some way by inviting some investors really speaks alot.
This is just a clear abuse of power which I think it ain't safe for even me who has being contemplating on inviting my fellow punters to this platform.
Posted using Partiko Android