3 Lessons I Learned from Ted Lasso: A Playful Journey of Fun, Football, and Forgiveness

in #sportstalklast year (edited)

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Ah, the perplexing world of football — where a prolate spheroid shape oddly passes for a ball. Little did I know that soccer, or should I say "football," reigns supreme in most parts of the globe. As an American, I had my fair share of confusion, just like our beloved protagonist, Ted Lasso, who found himself coaching a team playing a whole different game.

As I write this blog, I find it to be a therapeutic sport of its own, where I relish in the wisdom subtly woven into this show. Prepare yourself for three heartwarming lessons that brought laughter and tears in thirty-four juicy episodes.

Lesson 1: Believe in WHO you are and HOW you do what you do.

Picture this: a sign that reads "Believe" bookends the beginning and end of the show, serving as a constant reminder that not everything we do will be a roaring success. There will be times when life throws us curveballs, leaving us scratching our heads in disbelief.

In those moments, we must stand tall, unwavering in our principles, and strive to achieve the end game we have carefully crafted in our minds, by believing.

Lesson 2: Forgive those who may not have seen things the same way you do.

Forgiveness is no easy feat. It takes reading books, attending therapy sessions, and perhaps even adding the odd pinch of magic to truly grasp its essence. While I may not be rushing to re-enlist those who have wronged me back onto my team, the message hit me like a hail-mary pass.

We must endeavor to understand that those who have hurt us were doing their best at the time with what they had to work with. It's up to us to let go of anger and the need for revenge. Those emotions serve no purpose other than to harm ourselves; those emotions hold us back from reaching our true potential, robbing us of the virtues and strength that reside within.

Lesson 3: Judging others is a karmic boomerang.

The show's fearless exploration of social stigmas and the intricate tapestry of diversity and inclusion was a delightful triumph. From mental health to racism, same-sex orientation to divorce, the Ted Lasso team fearlessly tackles the issues that have long divided our societies.

Kindness is not just an act but a state of mind—a powerful motivator. As I've aged, the number of mistakes I’ve made has skyrocketed from a few to several to many to countless.

Yet, through it all, one thing has become crystal clear: those not-so-nice thoughts that once danced in my mind came back to haunt me in a "until-you-walk-in-someone-else's-shoes" perspective.

Appreciating the vast differences in our cultures and experiences grants us a precious gift—perspective. It teaches us that we do not hold all the answers, and that's a beautiful revelation. Ted Lasso's magic lies in its ability to shine a spotlight on the amazing individuals who tread this earth, reminding us to embrace the diversity that surrounds us.

So there you have it. My three quaint but remarkable lessons plucked from the enchanting world of Ted Lasso. May they serve as a beacon of wisdom, guiding us through the ups and downs of life, and reminding us to approach each day with a kind heart, a forgiving spirit, and an unyielding belief in ourselves and others.


I've enjoyed the fish out of water tale. Heartwarming during a time when the headlines around the world would cast a spotlight on our difference to divide us. Which is what made the Ted Lasso show so very welcome. It brought a gentle warmness to our screen viewing.

In that same vein, I say we are all more alike than we are different. Why? Because no matter where we live, our culture, our borders, etc the fact is we are all human beings on planet earth spinning around the sun trying to live our best life.

The writing was simply genius. So clever. Brett Goldstein is my new crush. Check out SHRINKING On Apple as well and another Brett Goldstein gem.

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