Although this sport is considered small, but the benefits are huge for the body. Push up movements can help you build and strengthen the muscles in the upper body of the biceps and triceps muscles and are useful for strengthening the spine / back and shoulder bones.
For beginners you can try to do push-ups with the help of a wall that is by leaning on the wall, standing position against the wall or can also use a table. But before doing that, make sure the stomach must be empty first so as not to feel nauseous in doing so. Do it slowly and with small steps first. By doing push up movements routinely and regularly, not only makes the arm muscles and abdominal muscles become strong, but also can to maintain body fitness, prevent fragility of the bones and improve blood circulation so that the body's metabolism is well maintained.
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Why does it have to be flagged? There are other ways besides the less good ways
downvoted to remove CCC ... stop misusing the tag and you wont need to worry about getting downvoted.