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RE: SPORTS Burn Plans

I think you start slow and see its impact before explore other involving changing inflation. This that happen has been an interesting route and is bound to come with challenges and being that that is the case, i feel we should take up the challenge and approaches solutions that aren't generic. A steemleo solution may not necessary be the direct solution for a sportstalk with its own inflation model. It is a good option though but i feel you should explore others, experiment with new stuff etc I feel blockchain plays a more powerful role as a mentality adjuster than as a reward distributor. I feel we shouldn't be sway and use the current pool as inspiration to incite growth. powered up token should be what it is, more of 'influence' and 'true influence' than just reward distributor. This means apply power to stir growth, so that the pool has more spread. With the masses tokens burn faster too. Recent move with actifit is a step. It is still earn, allow for a flow. take it as an experiment and an experiment doesn't really get to fail. I have started the motion via marlians. Growth there translate into sportstalk. I know the voice of the community and everyone talks about sportstalk. Perhaps target account claims and joint account claims and target growth in masses using poweredup tokens. plus curation efforts should involve directional comments to adjust the mentality and create 'true fans. this can be done jointly, with simply things as a posts that allows people to send in curation comments and burn can result from there. there more sinks than the generic. there is a lot one can explore. i think what has happened on sports can trigger steem growth as whole and perhaps an overall improvement on steem signs ups or joint rc. with sports momentum and directional curation etc, people can even pay 2 usd for sign-ups to steem, with a lil mentality adjustment and this can all be driven by votes, but not just vote, timely votes etc and joint movement involve a large bulk of us


I agree that SPORTS are completely a token of content curation vs reward distribution. That being said my fear is that if a token doesn't have scarcity then it becomes so invaluable that content can not be properly valued due to spammers having the opportunity to pass through spam without a cost of acquisition.