Now this is what I call the most wonderful time of the year...

in #spring6 years ago

I've been in a good mood all day. It's finally warm(er) here in Bucharest and I get the sure feeling spring is well on the way.
I know, I know, February just began but let's he honest, February is barely a month. It's just a short prelude for the spring that's to come.
Can you imagine, I actually went for a walk and I felt too hot with my scarf on...I mean finally!
Also, I'm happy because I saw my favorite flowers, hyacinths for sale at the flower shop, which marks the beginning of spring to me.
I have some at home and the smell fills the entire house, making it feel even more springy ❤️🌻

Yeah I know those of you in warmer climates (ahem @galenkp) don't really get the joy, but it truly feels like coming back to life. It's wonderful and I feel so full of energy...

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They do hyacinths here for Christmas. It is nice to come home and smell them from the door.

Spring is definitely not in the air in Finland.

Oww that is so cool! here, they're traditional for Women's Day (or Mother's Day, if you will) on the 8th of March, so definitely a sign of spring. I just love them <3
Urgh I seems cold as hell there. When does spring normally come to Finland?

There is still snow on the ground perhaps deep into April but then it becomes a dusty desert until the leaves arrive mid May.

Mothers day is when these flowers appear in May:

That sounds...cold. I love how Mothers Day seems to always be connected to flowers, there's something sweet about that :)

Send some of that heat this way, please. We're shivering through one of these polar vortex things and I'm tired of having to juggle 20 lbs of clothes on and off for the drive, train, subway, and walking parts of my commute!

Still it's been a better winter than most with hardly any snow. And in a couple of days we're going to go from 4 degrees F to nearly 60!

Then you're set :D Good thing it won't last long, huh? What's going on out there is downright freaky. I mean, at least here, it's been an honest, predictable winter :))

Lucky you! Here in north Italy we have barely 1° at the moment 😭 it’s also a bit snowy! I’m craving for spring

Soon! As I said, February is barely a real month, you know? Spring will be here before you know it. I had heard winters in Italy can get quite cold...but still, be thankful it's over 0, huh? ;)

Makes me happy that you're happy. Spring is a nice time of year here also so I can understand how keen you are to see it, especially after the cold you've had. February and March are the hottest part of the year here, 37 Saturday and Sunday here. I'd prefer it a bit cooler.

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I was joooking :P
Really? Hotter than August? How strange...Man, that does sound like a hot as hell weekend. Now that it's getting livable again here, I'm not envying you anymore :P Too hot!