Based on the SplinterGuides rating methodology, here are the top 10 Monsters by rarity. All these ratings are based on their Diamonds ratings. For more details on our methodology, check out this page. We've also added these to the SplinterGuides homepage, and of course those lists are dynamic and the top 10 will be updated if any future ratings methodology updates impact the ranking.
Top 10 Legendary monsters
- Coeurl Lurker
- Almo Cambio
- Doctor Blight
- Kralus
- Dark Ha'on
- Venator Kinjo
- Adelade Brightwing
- Epona
- Magnor
- Spirit Miner
Top 10 Epic monsters
- Quora Towershead
- Halfling Alchemist
- Iidri Fyre
- Uraeus
- Noa the Just
- Trapp Falloway
- Dragon Spirit
- Soulstorm
- Marisol Contuma
- Will-o-Wisp
Top 10 Rare monsters
- Khmer Princess
- Kelp Initiate
- Shieldbearer
- Tower Griffin
- Xenith Monk
- Venari Marksrat
- Diemonshark
- Spark Pixies
- Truthspeaker
- Runic Skyclaw
Top 10 Common monsters
- Chaos Agent
- Isgald Vorst
- Helmet Kharafax
- Exploding Dwarf
- Katrelba Gobson
- Deeplurker
- Failed Summoner
- Bertrol Gobson
- Sand Worm
- Pelacor Conjurer
What do you think? Is our algo missing some monsters you think should be the top 10s?
I think it is quite interesting that gladiator cards make up 3 of the epics and 4 of the commons in the list when I would think that very few people, if any, have fully maxed-out versions of these gladiators to play at diamond league.
Yes indeed! Gladiators are extremely powerful. And by the way many of them may actually be under-rated at the moment because, since nobody has them maxxed, we haven't had a chance to really see them in the meta yet. So for the most part gladiator cards are either rated "as is" or in some cases we've even nerfed scores that "seem" too high.
Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121