This is the conclusion I came to after all of the back and forth as well. Matt said he has some vision where they'll be unlocked via a land token or something along those lines. Honestly that is not the best sounding option that I've heard, but I'm willing to wait and see what he presents. Maybe I'm not understanding what he meant, but I think the idea of only land owners being able to unlock them would be problematic. All of that said we don't have any final details and just a one-off comment on a town hall to work with. I think at this point the DAO shouldn't really be trying to dictate how this will be resolved and just wait until Matt shares more details. We can go from there. Appreciate you Dave!
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I don't think that his approach goes necessarily on that line, meaning that maybe the landowners will be able to produce the token or resource needed to unlock.
All speculation of course, my guess is that whatever the landowners produce in order to unlock SB would be open for sales. So from one side gates the way to unlock and from other gives more value to lands, having in mind that lands won't be able to produce anything significant until 2.0 I'm not sure if this is so bad idea. For example, could be one option for the research token.
Yea I get it, I just don't think we have enough info to really say anything at this point. My biggest complaint was the idea of having them be unlockable for use on land without having any clearly defined price point for full unlock. (Currently 2x burn value to stake on land whenever that gets implemented.)