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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Update Terms of Service To Prohibit Bot Use In Tourneys, & Brawls

in #sps2 years ago

On your request for arguments, I don't know who the bullshit lawyer is you are referring to. I have never advocated for any lawyer to knock on any doors, nor do I think this proposal states this.

There is no mention of suspension either. So your risk of suspension is made up in your own mind.

If you want to argue facts based on pure logic, then in the future please start with facts. Making ridiculous assumptions and then stating them as facts isn't the way to go if you want answers with me.

I have responded to many polite people on both of these posts. I don't mind having a conversation. But when you come to attack in a rude way, then don't hold your breath that you will get much further response from me.

I did respond to you once more in case you felt regret for your behavior on this post. But if you aren't civil, then this will be the last answer I give you. I'm happy to discuss, if that's the purpose.


What will happen if a user account violates the Terms of Service? What will happen if a player uses a bot or helper tools?

That is yet to be determined and will be up to the team. This proposal is simply setting the terms of service.

However having said that, battle helpers and bots are perfectly acceptable to use in the Wild format. That is 50% of the total ranked rewards.

The way the bot ban worked is if an account is found to be breaking the terms of service, they simply were blocked from playing in the format they weren't allowed to play in (Modern). I would imagine something similar would happen if these 2 proposals pass.