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RE: Soulbound Rewards: My Compromise Solution

in #spslast year

Thanks for your feedback, it seems like you prefer permanent soulbound Torran. If you have any suggestions that you feel would push it to something you would vote for, then let me know. I'm trying to find a compromise solution and this is already a big concession for all sides to accept.


No problem Dave. Thanks for taking the initiative to reopen this discussion. That said, I definitely don't support permanent soulbound. There's just way too many cards I still need for me to support that option.

Out of the options you listed, even though I think 4x is too much, I'd still support 4x with no time limit or else 4x with a 1 year time limit. 4x would be a lot easier for a lot of people to swallow if it weren't all at once.

as ajpl said, they are one package together. And from what you said this does what you suggest Torran. You will have 1 full year at 4x (with 1/2 in vouchers), and on top of that you can save up for a 3x price for 30 days before the end of the printing. I realize people need time to gather funds and this is a way to do that in a fair way and gives everyone plenty of advance notice.

for some reason even though i read it as "parts" i still saw it as 4 different options. i do like the sound of it as a whole

These aren't "options", they are a full package in four parts. All of them would apply if this solution were proposed and then passed/implemented.

Unless I'm missing something here @davemccoy?

yes you have it right.

ah.. that makes a little more sense now