How are you gonna handle the mobile sector that isn't being handled by keychain for example.
Right now the solution on mobile is to use steemconnect through the browser. Ideally steemconnect should have his own mobile app, it's not yet on top of our priority list but it may happen within the proposal period. If a contributor want to jump and make a PR to add Cordova webview i will be happy to review and go forward with it, i may create a bounty for it.
So I'd love to know what you plan to do to make the experience very intuitive.
Some of the changes we working on come from the feedback document you sent me thank you for that, here is some others things we plan to do to improve UX:
- Make login to 3p app possible with 1 click posting key
- Change some text on the website to make it more explicit
- Display your username and avatar before login to 3p app or signing a tx
- Make switching account easier
- Ability to add private key(s) into existing imported account.
- Add more tooltips
- Add a F.A.Q.
- And more based on users feedbacks
I think you need to review few processes too
Example: this morning when I voted your proposal by the process was 1 step too much.
Digression: I done by Steemproposals because I don't know why, but it was impossible to do on Steampeak, there was a spinner and nothing happened (Jarvie, if you see this, I'm not sure it was a Steampeak problem, but maybe more keychain).
For me the first step is useless especially since it is reappearing more complete at the third and last step
The process: I connect and confirm my action is more than enough ;)
ps: je renouvelle mon merci pour le travail effectué (ouai désolé en avais marre d'écrire en anglais en plus a un francophone Hahaha) et bonne idée a garder sous le coude pour Cordova :)
I really want to see your product succeed and get be a great option for new users
So let me know if there's anyway I can help because I'd still like to see a non-app simple system for new users in particular because later this year and next year we plan to bring in LOTS of new users.