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RE: SPS Governance Proposal: Special Promotional Sale for Riftwatcher Packs

in #sps2 years ago

I want the Rift Watchers packs gone, burned, and out of the store. Any packs that are sold, I want the revenue burned. So I'm going to vote against anything that tries to bring more to the market. Especially at a discount. 🤷‍♂


You own them, correct? Because there would be no other reason for such a self interested removal of DAO assets to return zero value. I get it you have an asset you want it burned so it is artificially inflated. The only problem that is done at the expense of the DAO. Read the comment above to understand the context of how much SPS that is for the DAO to take in. And BTW the amount of SPS taken in would be colossal in the magnitude in an ingoing quantity could pack the DAO with SPS in a major way. But we're concerned about "Muh Riftwatcher card value." Sadly incredibly short sighted and self interest that smashes the game ongoing, unfortunate to hear.

No, I actually don't own a single pack. I'm not sure why you insinuated that I'm greedy, shortsighted, or generally stupid ("muh Riftwatcher blah blah").

I have thought a lot about this. I have written about from different angles. My reason is that I am fundamentally opposed to the DAO funding itself through selling a product directly or otherwise competing with players, investors, contractors, or companies in the ecosystem. Especially when that product requires free labor to create.

It's the same reason I voted against the DAO getting rewards from the LPs recently. Principles, not piecemeal solutions, should guide the DAO.

The DAO is analogous to a government. Capitalist governments don't compete in the market by selling products. They tax for the use of infrastructure and let the market duke it out themselves.

The other reason is that I believe RiftWatchers is a stain on the company. They created minisets as a sink for DEC. After the biggest printing of DEC ever, they brought out the first miniset that didn't burn DEC!

Guess what this entire last year has been about as we've had a floundering miniset sitting in the DAO that no one wanted to pay SPS for? It's all been about burning DEC. I can only guess how many players we've lost who are sick of what they perceived as the team reaching back in their pocket again and again so we could burn more DEC.

It all could have been avoided by just sticking with the program and making the miniset a DEC burner.

Had RiftWatchers been put out as a DEC burn on day one (when people were excited about it still), they could have made the 4000 DEC and only put up 2 million packs and we could have skipped this whole year of DEC to peg BS. But instead they decided to fund the DAO with SPS. I've been saying this was a mistake since they announced riftwatchers would be sold in SPS. Even Matt acknowledges his mistake now and even his preference would be to burn the DEC the DAO gets.

Putting this back to SPS in order to fund the DAO is nails on a chalkboard to me. Burn them, burn any income that came from them. Let's move on.

Right, the first set was selling DEC because SPS was not in existence yet. Yes, it's swung back and forth. But your opinion of the DAO is well noted and it should not exist as anything more than a junkyard for in game assets and be a "lead blocker" for those that shill their assets. Well put, glad it's on the record.

The existence a new token doesn't automatically mean we need to sell any particular product in that new token. Especially when the product they chose to sell in that new token (the miniset) only existed to help them manage the old token, which still exists, and was in need a management more than ever before.

SPS to the DAO was like putting in a pool when the foundation of your house is crumbling.