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RE: SPS Governance Proposal: Update Terms Of Service To Prohibit Use Of Battle Helpers in Modern Ranked, Tourneys, and Brawls

in #spslast year

Okay. so in your response, you first declare that I'm wrong about private bots...and then two paragraphs later, you admit that they exist. WE ALL KNOW THEY EXIST. you admit it, i acknowledge's real. Maybe you don't run a private bot and maybe your guild is noble and bans them...but that doesn't mean that OTHER players don't use them and that OTHER guilds ban them. If you did that, great...but that doesn't change the fact that there are many shady operators out there and this proposal allows them to continue their parasitic ways without consequence.
in my original response i said something along the lines of 'get rid of the API endpoint and there won't be an issue with bots or helpers or cheaters' obviously not a quote but the point stands. if this proposal offered clear and fair enforcement guidelines (and better definitions) then it would be a pretty easy pill to swallow. my beef isn't with the idea of getting rid of bots/helpers...though i am not convinced they are bad...using them to exploit is bad, but i can see multiple use cases where automation and AI could act as a superior teacher...but w/ beef is that the ONLY people who will be effected by this are those who are using public, non-exploitative services. now i define non-exploitative as a single individual using automation to secure his personal ROI as a deck owner and player. bot farms were sucking the life out of the least in a bear market. but individual players? XBOT and other services are good, but they arent perfect, they say it protects the competitive environment? I would agree that the very top of the ladder, where everybody has just about everything...there skill matters, everywhere else? the TCG model is clear about the level of investment being directly linked to success. I'm not saying pay-2-win...but the whole TCG models is P2W wanna argue just look at Lux Vega. mic drop
SORRY, MY POINT was that competition is just as much about how much you have in your deck as your skill at playing it. the best player in the world will still get smashed in champ if all he has is 700 bucks worth of CL cards.
So what are you protecting? Bots sure, bot farms definitely...but battle helpers? they are killing this game? It's like your trying to polish up a pig to get that flywheel going...SO many other things to put energy in...but whatever
Well i'm generally not into this whole back and forth...and i certainly wasn't trying to be offensive with my positions and opinions...and i acknowledge that's all they are, opinions. They may be wrong or misplaced, or muleheaded, or whatever, but that doesn't mean they are lies...


I appreciate the back and forth. You did misread my points, I realize there are many private bot owners, but no private battle helper owners.

And you will just have to see who I am protecting I guess. I know its not bot farms, OGs, whales, etc... But no matter how much I tell you, you won't believe me. Its ok, I understand.

It was a long 2 weeks for me as well and I don't like the back and forth either. I do it out of respect since I put out the proposal. But I'm happy its over and I can let people observe the consequences instead of debating endlessly about what intentions are.

Again I am glad you voiced your thoughts and perspectives. I believe you feel exactly how you said you did. Only time will show you my motives, so I respect that we will disagree for a bit til the future is revealed! Cheers Loothore!