Just attend the 4:30 PM Pacific Live Stream
It covers the Cardauctionz Tournaments
To get your free chance at the wheel of death with Dr. Blight just enter the stream, be a follower, and enter !raffle during one of the many giveaway spins.
Want to make your own luck? Just win, place 2nd, or 3rd in any cardauctionz tournament and be awarded a free spin by coming to the stream the day of your win!
Here are the rules of the Wheel of Death
Possible Awards
Death- Baby Common
Common- Deep Lurker
Rare- We'll find one
Epic- We'll find one
DEC- 1-1000
SPS- 1-10
Pack- CL Pack
Leg- Chaos Legion Legendary
Black Hole- Broken Dreams and the Hopes of Great Spins - Losses by players increase this value - essentially progressive till won
Plot- 1 Land Plot!
Gold Card- 1. common 2. Twins(Two of the same gold card) 3. rare 4. epic 5. LEGENDARY Gold Bila the Radiant 6. LEGENDARY Unicorn we roll the dice to see your win
Every non death spin you complete you'll have a choice to keep spinning for more or quit and take your earnings. If you keep spinning and hit death your winnings will be reduced to a baby common.
By hitting the bright yellow wedge then rolling a 4 you will win an 8,000.00 card free!
P.S. Do you have your own hive gaming giveaway? You can get extra exposure to your post by using this discord channel #hivegaming-giveaways
Test a new hive blockchain game in alpha/beta now here Hive prizes coming soon!
Do you need to purchase or rent any cards to participate in a tournament? Why not save the most in the industry when purchasing and use cardauctionz instead of the main market!
How to Login
Video Walk Through of Savings on Splinterlands Card Purchases
Use and Frequently Asked Questions for Cardauctionz
Much love Marcus, you're an inspiration to all
Thank you so much!
Great for community!! Keep it up!!
Freaking Awesome Marcus!
It's a really big card, so this biggest little tournament we do should be heard round the world!
I'm not sure what I am doing wrong but this is the second tourny of yours that I have entered on Splinterlands and have clicked on the "live stream" to participate in the fun and games during the tournament but there is no live stream happening on Twitch. The video that pops up says streamed 16 hrs ago and then next livestream is on Thursday.
Yes sometimes live stream isn't going on, but usually I'm there. I suppose we have had bad luck connecting.
Heellooo @marcuswahl, and very nice to Splinter you! 🙃
Sorry for having found out your post only now, but I've just reHived it and will for sure take part in your today's Live Stream. A question about it: does it start at 4:30 Pacific Time, as mentioned in the hereabove post, or at 12:30, i.e. at the same time as the Cardauctionz Tournament?
Kudos for your dope initiatives!!
sorry for the late reply my friend, but the live stream is to happen at the time of the tournament I have been moving the time around. Now I think I'm back to 12:30pm pacific for stream and tournament.
Ok, excellent, and thanks for your answer! 🙃