MY Terrible year hears to an upcoming new year and my Crypto venture.

in #sps3 years ago

@SPT #SPT I am homeless and lost my job Lost my friends Lost everything Due to be scammed mutiple times on cars for my doordashing and By tickets for not having the car switched in my name I got pulled over so much I was late to 4 deliveries in a week and doordash took my 4k deliveries done for 1 and a half yearswith 4.99/5 ratings I took my last 100 dollars and staked and bought DEC to put in liquidity pools Today marks my day 1 a year from now Id love to see splinter lands grow as well as me I have no idea what's next and I'm just cold as fuck nobody will help and everyone steals and takes I wanna look at this post a year from now have a home a happy family and more wealth than I know what to do with SPT SPS