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RE: DAO Treasurer / Token Cleanup Plan

in #sps10 months ago (edited)

I think it would be really interesting if, instead of a single sps.reserves account, it would be really interesting to see a distinct account for each of the major buckets in the SPS whitepaper and how much was left to distribute...

so you have a number of accounts to easily view the total balances:

sps.dao = all unrestricted funds from various activities, like pack sales, validator sales, etc
sps.dao.reserves.ranked = tokens to issue for ranked
sps.dao.reserves.staking = tokens to issue for staking rewards
sps.dao.reserves.lps = tokens to issue to various LPs - could break out further if useful)

sps.dao.bridge.eth = mirror the tokens that are actively issued and available on eth chain
sps.dao.bridge.bnb = mirror the tokens that are actively issued and available on bsc chain

Personally, I think that would make a nice clear picture of the state of active distribution of SPS...

Admittedly its a few more wallets to manage though.
(Maybe that's just me trying to think like an accountant)


More wallets requires more APIs and tracking by the coin sites. I don't think it's a bad idea but not positive what's feasible at this point until Validators go live.

Totally get it - always a balancing act between more operational complexity vs more granularity of information. Appreciate the reply and everything you do Clay!

The in-game reserves account will only hold the tokens that have been bridged to external blockchains. The validator software should allow you to see the type of information you're asking for without having to set up a whole bunch of different accounts for the treasurers to manage, as that information will be tracked by the software internally.

Sounds cool - it will be great to see these things live