I think having someone manage this stuff sounds great, sounds like you know your stuff, and exchanges are great to have.
But where I struggle is, we been told money is tight for 18 months and now we are being given options to spend it when it doesn't quite feel necessary yet.
Basically, I think I support all of this, just don't think I do now.
I think that's a very fair stance. The "do nothing" option is a potentially valid one. I'd personally suggest thinking of this less as a greenlight to spend money and more of a shift in direction/tone for the DAO towards self governance. Essentially, no one should make these decisions but the DAO with majority consensus. I'd also point out that the DAO and Splinterlands, while clearly intertwined, do not always have to operate in unison. The Bot/BH proposal was a clear indicator of that. The main reason for me pushing this issue now is simply that if we continue to do nothing the decision will be made for us. Thanks for the feedback!