These will be important positions from a legal perspective. I look forward to seeing the candidates!
A few questions I'm thinking about...
About Board Candidates:
- What is more important for this type of role:
- qualified individuals with previous board experience and qualifications, or
- highly invested individuals that are financially committed to the foundation
- To what degree should we be looking for independent directors?
- Should the SPL company have a board seat representing?
- Should any DAO employees/contractors have a board seat (or is there risk from having administrative and governance roles combined?)
- Is it important for the community to know the board members real life identities?
- We only have 3 board members so we should choose carefully
About Procedures and Expectations:
- Will Board meeting minutes be made available to DAO stakeholders?
- Will there be bylaws for board governance processes?
- Is there an estimate of anticipated time commitment, number of board meetings per year?
- Will board seats be for an initial fixed term, and will there be regular stakeholder votes for extending/replacement, etc?
- Will we require 2/3 vote for replacing a director? or for calling for a board vote? Or for extending terms? Should the threshold be lower?
Anyways, just some things I'll be keeping in mind, and I think it's important for everyone that votes to think about these types of issues, because this type of role is important for protecting the legal status of the DAO, and the Board members are a critical part of that, while being very distinct from treasurers role.