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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Boost Land Survey Chances By Burning DEC/DEC-B

in #spsproposal2 years ago

I have 18 plots. I bought them way back when they were 10K DEC and I've been holding them since then, which is years now.

I'm OK with this proposal but the rarity chance has to be fair to everyone big and small land holders alike. Keep in mind there are probably going to be dead plots from people that didn't make it through the pandemic, sorry to bring it up, but,..... I don't know how that is going to be handled.

I've received plenty of rewards for holding my plots and I am still receiving them. I understand the feelings of some people that think this is a retroactive tax that we did not agree to and so it feels like a slap in the face.

What I would say to you guys is 2 things:

  1. Can you please be more forgiving on this point? It's a complicated game after all and GROWING PAINS you know. Can we just grow with the game? There is some things in life that you can't just spitball and accurately predict the correct costs of things in the future. Land is going to be exceptionally complicated to develop and balance out. Instead of repeatedly asking them, "how much is this and that, just tell us now and sell us that instead of potions or DEC-B," just stop it. They can't answer that right now. What are you thinking? You're like nagging them while they are trying to develop a very complicated system.

  2. Have any of you played a crypto land building game before? Did you buy a buttload of plots? You shouldn't have done that. That's too much. You created a future problem for yourself. Don't complain to others about the problem you created for yourself. Maybe sell some of them. Land is going to be like a baby, it's going to need constant time and attention but the rewards are going to be outstanding and in the end it will be fun but a chore at the same time. Don't start complaining how hard it is going to be to maintain and build your plots/buildings and how much it costs all the time.
    If you want to get an idea of what it might be like go to youtube and search "worldopo" that was a crypto land/building game but it was centralized in Russia and then the Pandemic and the military conflict happened so it shut down, lesson learned.

My point is that if you bought too much land that is your fault. If you don't have the cards, DEC, time and attention to constantly upkeep and improve it that is your fault, you did that, nobody else. Don't act surprised and pissed off when land details come out and you realized you screwed up because it costs way to much DEC, cards, time and attention to own them.

I can already hear the complaints. Instead of complaining sell your plots and bring it down to a reasonable amount that is manageable or ask SPL to let us scholar it out somehow.