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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Adjust Market Fees

in #spsproposal4 months ago

Is it just me or one of the most important point is not even mentioned in the proposal?

Assuming this pass and we move to a 10% fee (with 4% going to Splinterlands for each market transaction) ...what is the estimated daily revenue generated for the company? Compared to the average in the current scenario?

ps: I know the number ...just curious why it was not included in the post as it is easily one of the thing people will look at to decide.


When this one started getting brought up, I ran the numbers and came up with about 11k a month, which I personally think seems kind of low considering there would be a 10% tax on all sales. As to what that looks like if we change the fee to 10% (which I personally think is way too high) who knows. It would likely just end up with less market transactions. Not sure the juice is worth the squeeze on this one. As @jarvie suggested though, perhaps a poll would be better for this one.

The main purpose of running this one is simply because I ran the alternative. I can't only run the ones I like/agree with. 10% seems crazy, but this is what people were suggesting. I'll set up a poll tomorrow and see how/if people want to revisit this one by reapportioning the 6% fee that already exists.