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RE: Community Poll - Lower Unlock Costs for Soulbound Reward Cards

in #spsproposal7 months ago

10x is already too cheap.

I understand that people want everything cheaper, as any cost cuts into their profit margins, but flooding the market with cheap Reward cards undercuts the original purpose of making Reward cards Soulbound in the first place.


Please explain how is 10x too cheap. These are CL cards and they are moving out of modern as soon as the core set also moves out. The core set has many cards being sold at burn value. Even legendary summoners are being sold for less than 5000 DEC. So, why would anyone in their right mind buy one of these cards over the core set, before maxing it? How about Rebellion? When several legendaries cost about $3 per BCX, why would anyone buy these cards that will rotate out of modern much sooner for similar prices of these cards that will stay longer and less people have them?

Setting artificial prices has never worked.