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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Halt Soul Keep Rewards

in #spsproposal4 months ago

Hell yeah stop this. I stopped playing the game because only a few people get the rewards anyways which is dumb. That game is sadly just a total failure so far.
A easy fix would have been to just better split the SPS rewards across MORE people. Spread the rewards instead of consolidating them. Spent $500 in packs and I can't make a single SPS. You think anyone new is going to come in and play lol.


They took our SPS! When will the madness stop? 👀

what? that's not even what I said lol

I just thought it was funny that's all I didn't mean to misquote you.

Ah my mistake it's always hard to tell online haha

Spreading it out more is a good idea, but then they need to significantly reduce the cost of tickets.

some spent much more. this game is very difficult, in some ways more difficult than splintelands. Therefore, there is a sharp difference in the performance of players. those who play for fun and those who take a more or less professional approach to studying cards and achieving the maximum score.

As a result, those who fail to get to the top start looking for a black cat in a dark room. and it's certainly easier to blame other players for being bad guys and shouldn't receive rewards.

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Says someone with a bunch of accounts, some even in the same league.

I'll tell you a secret. I leveled up accounts in almost every league.
this gives me the opportunity to understand the problems of the game a little better

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It's not really it's nerfed there's like two cards you need that are OP if you didn't get lucky in your pack openings they are now $10+ on the market so you can clearly see how op they are compared to everything else.

I've opened over a thousand booster packs. the law was already on my side in large numbers. and I don’t agree that only 2 cards are needed. you need 20 major and 5 minor for a comfortable and top game

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