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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

in #spsproposal2 years ago

we desperately need to implement anti bot measures for the future of the game. Without new players splinterlands will shrivel and die. New players bring new money into the game, but we can't get new players because they get beaten repeatedly by bots before they can even learn the game. Nobody wants to play a game after loosing 10 times on a row.

TO those making money with bots currently I say there will be more money to make in the future if new players are allowed to learn to play. Otherwise money will stop flowing and nobody will be making any.


veja bem, ele nao vai ter partidas, quem vai jogar com eles ? e outra coisa so se aprende jogando e perdendo acumulando experiencia e tempo de jogo ? não existe esse de o cara so nao esta ganhando por conta dos bots, ele nao ganha por que ainda nao sabe jogar.
se essa proposta ganhar, voce ainda vai continuar um jogador ruim.