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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Solutions to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

i don't know if you just want to draw some doomsday scenarios.
or if you didn't read the proposal properly.

rental market?
when the bots went from modern to wild the rental prices of the wild cards were destroyed, maybe you just read the other comments i don't really feel like explaining it all again with the rating inflation. 😒
the rental market will most likely even benefit from it. a bronze player in modern rents on average ten times as much as a wild silver player. in wild the accounts no longer need cards to fight because of the strong rating inflation and the whole dead accounts. Therefore, they usually have only the most necessary to circumvent the starter cards penalty. I think you just look at it, in wild silver outside the leaderboard area play almost all only with lvl 1 cards, in modern would not even manage it in bronze 2. so that all the empty accounts disappear, the rating inflation goes down, the accounts need better cards so they have to rent more. . . .

and new players? the measure is only for wild not for modern!

and apart from the fact that your solution has already been rejected, it doesn't even make sense if i put myself in your shoes. you think if the botfarms go away the rental market will die, and your solution is that these botfarms stay there and keep renting even though they get no rewards without kyc.😂

your own thoughts contradict yourself. you should think about it again^^


I feel like you've misunderstood me. To be clear, I don't think "if the botfarms go away the rental market will die." I 100% want bot farms to go away, and while it may have a short term effect on the card markets, it will generate healthy economic foundations from which the game will be able to grow more sustainably. Rather, I think that preventing ranked reward play for people who only rent will massively affect the rental market. It's basically creating a system where one has to commit to spending up to thousands of dollars if they want to get into a new game, which is a hard sell! Better to implement a mechanism by which one account per person can be ensured, then we don't need to put off so many new players. Most people aren't like me - a reckless crazy who blows $7000 on an addictive game. They might get into the game though if they can spend like $10 or $20 a month on rentals. Bots will remain with this proposal anyway as long as there is still value. They'll regroup and establish whether it is worth investing the minimum CP amount to extract rewards. If the rewards have financial value, they will remain, it's that simple. And if they don't then the game won't be P2E anymore and the team might have to charge $0.50 per pack instead of $4 in future, or maybe have an MTG style monthly battle pass.

well if you want to play without buying cards you can still play in modern. but without playing yourself and without owning cards nobody should be able to extract our system like a token mining operation ;)

above all, the cp are also set very low in wild. the cp do not even correspond to a cl core set at the respective level