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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Solutions to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

an example. his deck costs 22 dollars he plays silver 1 almost goldrating. a silver cl core set actually costs 440 dollars. he plays without SPS, for example, because he doesn't care. He simply makes 20 decks out of what 1 silver cl core set actually costs. 20x 1 SPS boost = 20x SPS boost? And who suffers in the end? The player/investor who plays his account legitimately and levels the cards. Because if I would play with a real CL silver deck in silver, I would earn much less than him with his 20 accounts. even though his 20 decks together cost as much as my one deck. Since he doesn't need a minimum cp, he can simply bypass the SPS and even ends up with more sps boost, since the mass of accounts he can create without cp limit simply makes up for it. What they do hurts our rewards, our cards and our SPS.

therefore i think that cp requirement and reward regulation through sps staking, together are much stronger than both alone separately!



was wondering why the sps boost starts with 1 since it was introduced. it should start with zero.
lets say he wins 12 battles a day and recieves 0.01 sps each win.
thats 43.8 sps or 0.876 usd per year. (with sps at 2 cents)
that makes a roi for his cards (22usd card-value) of roughly 4%.
thats only for the battle sps, not the chests.
but i think he wont get many chest. no focus chests, cos u need 6000rp for ur first silver i think. maybe he will get 4-5 eos chests with this setup.

then u also have to deduct the costs for proxy servers, bot sevice and other stuff. for my farm with 1200 bots that is around 460 usd per month, or 0.38 usd per account and month. (4.6 usd per account and year)

just to put it into perspective - there are not much earnings left, if any.
propably he even runs at a loss and speculates to make a profit with soulbond cards later which is kinda uncertain.

anyway, i like this proposal and will vote for it.
if this gets implemented it will likely reduce the mass bot farms and will give a much better playing expirience for human players.
it might crash the rental market but will increase demand and prices for cards that are overprinted like cl.

This is fuzzy logic.

20x 1 SPS boost = 20x SPS boost?

No.. that's not how it works. Applying a 1x multi. to a $400 account or 1x multi. to 20 $20 accounts is effectively the same. The multipliers don't add up

Because if I would play with a real CL silver deck in silver, I would earn much less than him with his 20 accounts.

What are you trying to compare? A bot in wild vs human in modern? I just checked this account and it earned 25 SPS in the past month, and 15 SB cards. I don't know what the ROI is but it's not amazing. In fact, if you look at SPS earnings alone, this account hasn't earned back the $10 spellbook cost after 2 YEARS of running. The perception that bot farms have amazing ROI is just false.

he can simply bypass the SPS and even ends up with more sps boost

Not true, as explained above. If this was the case, it would be a major design flaw

just stop lying, this account has existed since october 2021 that has earned the 10 dollars back in 2021. and you compare a 20 dollar account with a 400 dollar account. just stop with your bullshit calculate that 20x and then against a real silver account with 1x sps boost. please go fool someone else. nobody really falls for your shit anymore

Yes, and in 2021 crypto was in a much better state and SPL was completely different from where it is now. With reward cards not being SB and bots allowed in modern they were able to pay for the 20 spellbooks and get ROI rather quickly. Since the drop in crypto and the changes to rewards and bots only allowed in wild, I would agree that a bot account getting its ROI is easily 2 years.
I use to play in gold and would rent the remaining cp to push into diamond on a few occasions, this to me was the most enjoyable time in SPL. After the CP/SPS change my rating per win plummeted and since then ive had to drop to silver, getting 40 EOS silver chests and 4+ daily chests are better than 10 EOS gold and maybe 1 daily imo.
I feel that the current bot measures have done enough to curb bot farms of the past, and creating new ones aren't profitable enough to bother with.

If you want to claim that I'm lying, provide evidence. Until then you're just a mad, jealous troll.

you provide the proof yourself, boy. you turn a 400 dollar account into 20 accounts. and then try to show a calculation of a 20 dollar account against a 400 dollar account. even though it's obvious that you have to count 400 dollars 1 account against 400 dollars your 20 accounts..... which in your case would be 500 sps and 300 cards. which of course is a lot that no normal silver account would earn in wild. but you're even comparing that to modern now, oddly enough, because you assume wild is only owned by bot farms? but even in modern you wouldn't earn anywhere near that much. 1k dollar accounts in silver modern with 10x sps boost earn about the same. but a 400 dollar account without sps wouldn't even come close to earning that in modern.i would even go so far as to say that no normal account, in any league, can earn that much if it has no sps. i mean, it's pretty obvious that you're exploiting the system...
i mean you know you're exploiting the system. you wouldn't run more accounts than necessary. by now everyone knows what a greedy vulture you are. so buzz off...

The burden of proof is on the person making the accusation.

You have no idea what you're talking about, and you don't have the technical skills to gather data.

Bot farms have been nerfed again and again to the point that most of them left, and tanked the card & rental markets. Why did they leave if what they're doing is so profitable?

Greedy vulture? This comes from the guy who used BH hundreds of times, while also advocating against it? The guy who was a toxic troll in the XBOT discord for months and got kicked out?

Get some help bronko. You're not doing well.

i don't know if you are just stupid. there is nothing to prove, you said yourself what you earn in a month with 1/20 of the 20 accounts and that without sps. or do you need proof that 20×25 really results in 500 sps? 🤣
a full account would never earn that without sps.
if you didn't have the lvl 1 penalty in there. it would be even more obvious how you exploit the sps system!!!

and you kicked me out? i would know that though 😂

This account does rent SPS. It just doesn't have any right now.

There's nothing to prove? You called me a liar, dumbass. That's what you have to prove.

You're right I didn't fully ban you. I'll take care of that now, thanks for the reminder.

This account really barely earns anything. On top of having no SPS so reward multiplier = 1, it also uses level 1 cards, which are penalized in silver, so also multiply their rewards by ~0.5.