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RE: Improved version of Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal10 months ago

no, but look at how low the requirements are. like i said, it's not even a cl core set. just with the cl reward cards at silver lvl, you already have almost half the requirements for silver. so people have to rent a lot of extra cards if they want to win fights^^


Not gonna lie, a lot of your message went over my head because I felt it was over-complicating my concern.
My only concern is that rentals CP can still earn SPS from battles, if they can & that is clarified/included somehow, then it will be a yes from me.

people who do not own cp and only rent can still earn sps in all modern leagues but in wild only in bronze.
if you own the required minimum cp, you can earn everywhere even if you only play with rented cards

Understood. I disagree and think full/primary rental accounts in Wild should be able to earn SPS from battles for their rental investments/corresponding league above Bronze even if they're owned/delegated CP doesn't meet those league requirements. I personally think rented CP should count.

like i said, then the whole proposal would be useless because just cp rent is too cheap, 10,000 cp cost 1 dec. it would just be a waste of time

That's why I mentioned reduced SPS rewards as a form of balance rather than cutting out altogether. I just think complete removal of SPS rewards for Wild rentals would just further devalue old sets than they already do moving into wild format. Just my opinion though. Appreciate you taking the time to respond(: