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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

how should this work? suppose i have a bronze/1bcx account, because of all the botfarms, i play in diamand until champion3, i can't keep my account down anymore. then i don't get any rewards anymore? or how much did the level penalty go? but even assuming he would get 20% of the rewards. then this bronze player who is in diamand through no fault of his own would still need the sps requirements of diamand to get the 20% of diamand.
because with the bronze sps requirements he would only get 0.3% in diamand, and with the level penalty he would only get 20% of the 0.2%, so nothing!.....


It can work any way we want really. I would just prefer that the rewards be based on the cards used in the battle - not just cards sitting in your collection. So the math can be worked out to be the same - if a player is in Diamond but uses level 1 cards in the battle, their rewards can be Bronze league level, just like if they had very low CP as in this proposal.

So I'm suggesting that we keep the math and reward levels similar to this proposal, but base it on the cards used in the actual battle rather than CP so player's can't just get one GFL sitting in their collection and collect the high rewards.

id like to share my perspective as a botfarm operator. currently i am running 1350 bots on a 4 day cycle and id like to see the system change in a way that it is not profitable anymore to let the botfarm run like this.
i dont think that would be the case when we go to the card level penalty system again if we dont exclude the soulbound cards.
if we do it like that then id just run with the bots with soulbound only cards. they have already silver+ lvl. i would rent for 1-3 dec a few extra cards to get my accounts in the ranking range were i want them to be. with that i can already play in gold without penalties. ofc i would loose against human players that have more sophisticated decks but that is no problem because my vague guess is that there are 50k other bots that do the same and if there only around 5k players then the bots will push each other higher in rankings.
i will spread all sps across all my bots (with zero usd decks), because (sadly) it is way more profitable to do so then to invest in proper decks and stake it all on a few champion accounts.

on the other hand with cp requirement implemented and sb not counting id have to rent the cp to get rewards and would compete with all other bots on the rental marked while being stuck with bronce - silver ranking rewards.
not 100% sure, but i think it would make botting unprofitable. for sure it would keep big botfarms away from gold-diamond.
having a few bots with good decks will be still viable, but the big botfarms competing for rewards in the higher leagues will be gone.
thats just my opinion, maybe i dont see it correct.
feel free to enlighten me.
i strongly advise to support this proposal and to implement it into the game soon, thanks!

This is a good point, thank you!

Are you suggesting that if you have say a deck with say 4 leveled cards and you decide to use a one bcx card as one of the cards in the deck that you would get a penalty for doing that? Also if the rules change to remove the bots are the rewards going to be evened out again bc if it is going to be harder in wild again then the rewards should reflect that and not be given 50% more to modern anymore in my opinion if changes are put in to make it much harder in wild.

By remove bots i mean make it hard for large large bot farms not people like me who have a few alt bots and own cards.

That's even a bigger penalization for small accounts, you need to spend way more to get all leveled cards for league, and if you climb, spend more to level all cards again, rather than just rent CP...and again just ban the bots for good and no more problems or make a 'bots only' mode with small pool