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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Update Minimum Rental Price from .1 DEC to 1 DEC

in #spsproposal7 months ago

I actually created the account @pointonedec and fed it a ton of Single BCX CL cards and others that rented consistently for .1 DEC

The ROI was bananas but as things are changing it started coming down so I added in some RB cards to bolster the falling ROI.

Eventually I abandoned the project and I am simply waiting for the cards to come off rent so I can transfer/combine/sell them.

By doing this and renting these ultra cheap 1 BCX cards I saw most of the rent names were obvious bots with names like abc123, abc124, abc125 etc vs my other accounts where I rent Max Level CL/RW/RB cards and the names were JohnnyBoy69 or TomBombadil1975 - as in actual players :)

In the end, this experiment and data gave me the idea to make this proposal which would then force the Bots to rent at 10x their costs.

I think the pros far outweigh any cons and for the actual players who rent cards 1 DEC, even with DEC at peg is still only a tenth of a Penny or $.001 😄