Community Poll - Rebellion Reward Cards

in #spsproposal3 months ago

The SPS governance proposal system provides a good way to conduct a stake-weighted poll to see where the Splinterlands player community stands on certain topics. This proposal aims to collect stake-weighted feedback from the community that the Splinterlands team can take into account in its decisions regarding different aspects of the game.
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For this poll, we are looking for feedback on whether or not the new set of Rebellion reward cards scheduled to be released on August 15th should be soulbound like the current set of Chaos Legion reward cards, or should be unlocked and tradeable as with previous reward card sets. For more information on the new reward card set, please see this post from the Splinterlands team:

  • Please upvote this proposal if you would prefer that the upcoming set of reward cards be unbound and tradeable by default rather than soulbound.
  • Please downvote this proposal if you would prefer that the upcoming set of reward cards be soulbound and be unbindable at some point in the future for a DEC fee (the details of when cards will be unbindable and at what cost to be decided separately by the Splinterlands team taking into account community feedback and future proposals).

Once again, please keep in mind that this is just a poll utilizing the SPS governance proposal system to get stake-weighted feedback from the Splinterlands player community to provide to the Splinterlands team. Nothing in this proposal or the results will be considered binding.


A clear no,

The reason the game has collapsed is because there are way too many cards in circulation and players who buy packs are sure to see a 80%+ value decrease on the money they put in. Instead of printing more cards there should be a card burn. The only way existing and new players are going to be willing to buy packs is if they get the sense that their values will hold up or increase. Going back to reward cards that freely can be sold will make this problem even bigger again.

The only way existing and new players are going to be willing to buy packs is if they get the sense that their values will hold up or increase.


Splinterlands is WEB 3.0 game, right?
So EVERYTHING should be tradable.

If you want SB stuff - make WEB 2.0 version

And the most important - BAN bots in Wild format.

Soulbound and unlockable for a DEC fee from the start of release would be my prefered option but its not on the list to vote for.

or is this option already covered by proposal #159?
in that case i dont see the reason for this proposal because with 73% approval for #159 it looks like the comunity has already made a decision.

Well the other proposal is simply a suggestion to the team like all game development proposals. The DAO doesn't have direct control over that, but Matt generally takes them into consideration. My assumption is he wants to see where the community is at on the idea of dropping soulbound all together... but it's not like he spelled out his thought process to me.

If Matt wants to hear the voice of the community, it should be a cap on the staked SPS when comes to voting power.
Otherwise, the game is manipulated by the SPS whale, instead of community

Initially I voted for this, but I think that if we can get some version of an early unlock process (similar to the proposal here: then I think there is still merit to creating soulbound cards to allow players to play with cards beyond what their budget may allow them to own, while not hyperinflating the tradeable card supply.

So I'm changing my vote to continue soulbound rewards, with understanding that it is expressly because I think there should be an early unlock process, even if it is more expensive than unlocking later.

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Cards should be unlocked and have zero burn value.

I agree with this.

Reward cards should be fun to collect and be able to be used, but have zero burn/cp value.

i think they should be soulbound the same as CL. Not making them soulbound only helps those looking to extract from game

I believe that there should be a middle ground in here.

For example, keep them partially soulbound in a way that they cannot be delegated or staked in land, but that they can be rented (so that new players have a way to access them without paying through theyr nose, specially with the gladiator cards being OP on bronze), the difference is that since they are "soulbound" it could be made that there is a fee to temporarily make them unbound for this rent, and this fee could be a % of the renting paid value, for example a 10-50% of the rent price being sent to DAO/SPL/Burned, which could make a good dec sink or income source.

Also notice that I did not mentioned selling since I am unsure this would work even with a fee since it would kill unbinding and it will give the bots an exit liquidity that could damage the ecosystem more than it would help

I'm on the fence with this one. People feel free to convince me one way. My gut says soulbound so they cant be sold off by bot farms but I'm not sure if they're still an issue

I think it is too early for this poll. We should do this poll again in about 2 months after we see the feedback and market results of the CL rewards cards unlock process.

I like the current soulbound format, but I think the unbind fee needs to be tweaked just a bit. Start unbind fee at 8x and go up to 20x over 12 months and then let the cards be unlockable in perpetuity at 20x without making them locked forever.

Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @clayboyn!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal

Updated At: 2024-08-08 10:26 UTC


I have no problem with the cards soul bound for the next year or two. Reward sets should be smaller and not flood the market with cards. There is less incentive to buy packs or cards from the market if cards are too east to obtain.

With that said the proposed unlock prices are crazy and make no sense as it will be more expensive to buy your own rewards back from the game than it will be to buy cards from the market. It should be about 10% of the proposed unlock costs and i am happy to take soulbound cards and pay a reasonable fee to unlock.

please resign from your post. You are good for nothing.

i don't think this is helpful.
The DAO specifically hired @clayboyn to do some of the "boring administrative work" 😅 on behalf of the DAO and he has been doing what was asked of him.

He has also brought much needed transparency to the DAO finances with the SPS audit, and has attempted to show fiscal responsibility by reviewing LP emissions and other LP models.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion as to whether the DAO should hire for this role, but Clay has been active, responsive, and from my viewpoint has tried to bring visibility to most issues that are important to players.