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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Tournament Entry Rework

in #spsproposal7 months ago

I considered whether or not I think it's very exploitable and this is actually something that I thought about for a while. Theoretically, yes this is a potential exploit, keep in mind the cards have to be moved around and played with... so hypothetically you could have one account playing and another account trying to register for tournaments, but you'd still need to qualify for the tournaments (have SPS and CP) and the cards would have to not be on cooldown to be played. So it's theoretically possible someone could get a few extra entries this way, but I'm not really sure how much the hassle would be worth the minimal fees (2,500 DEC/DEC-B) to not deal with it.

I think it would only really be feasible to attempt this with the low end tournaments and the prizes and entry requirements for those are already so low that it's easy to circumvent either way. Also how many people have multiple accounts with all soulbounds + glads?

I'll take this into consideration, but like I said it's already been on my mind and I just don't think it's that serious of a concern. I think 1 tournament entry per day may be overkill.


That's fair enough. At any rate, this type of measure will reduce the most prolific tournament smurfing so it's definitely a step in the right direction. Appreciate the dialogue Clay!

I do have some "big picture" ideas that I think could make tournaments about a bajillion times better (conservative real math number number) but realistically they just aren't going to happen in the near future... so I'd rather not spend time getting people's hopes up on things we have no ability to deliver on. Big picture I'll keep pushing for them.