SPS Governance Proposal - Tournament RF/GF Split Option B

in #spsproposal11 months ago (edited)

DAO Sponsored Preproposal 2b

Welcome everyone, we're going to be trying something slightly different for the Tournament rework proposals. As we don't have a multiple choice proposal system, we'll be running multiple linked preproposals. The preproposal with the highest stake weighted support after the 7 day preproposal period will advance to a full vote and have a chance to be ratified by the SPS DAO.

The purpose of this proposal is to outline what the rewards split between Regular Foil and Gold Foil tournaments sponsored by the SPS DAO should be going forward. If this proposal passes, all tournament rewards for each format going forward will be split as follows:

  • 40% Regular Foil
  • 60% Gold Foil

This set of proposals is one piece of a comprehensive Tournament reform. There will be other proposals that address Rewards percentage by format, which formats the DAO wants to sponsor and potentially other issues that could be discovered throughout this process. Those will each be presented in a similar fashion for DAO approval.

Related Information

Current RF rewards per month:

If this were to pass RF rewards would increase to:

It's a 9.4% increase to RF rewards.

Current GF rewards:

If this were to pass GF rewards would increase to:

This is a 17% increase to GF rewards.

For context we (myself and several community members) spent 3 months going over this stuff. Below is the "current rewards" and below that will be a bunch of random variations on what could be with each RF/GF split (assuming reward splits which have not been voted on):




perhaps, a before and after picture would have been appropriate so that people could see that this is a reduction in rf rewards....

Current RF rewards per month:

If this were to pass RF rewards would be:

It's a 9.4% increase. We spent 3 months going over this stuff. Below is the "current rewards" and below that will be a bunch of random variations on what could be with each RF/GF split:



funny, decrease everywhere except in alpha tournaments. or am i blind

Yes if you look a couple spots to the left at the total percent of rewards you'll see that it's only 50% of the total rewards being split up. The current has no way to take into account all those other formats we were adding... so it's kind of a flawed analysis... I put it down there to help give context to how things change. We have nothing to based what percent of rewards would go to what format... but overall there should be 1,867,930 SPS being distributed (for January since this was done in December). You can look at the current breakdown and new breakdown and not worry about the flawed data was added to give some sort of example. Thus the:
" below that will be a bunch of random variations on what could be with each RF/GF split (assuming reward splits which have not been voted on):"

Even I am not playing GF tournaments I think this is not fair towards the amount GF card buyers invested (and supported the game ecosystem), not only talking about the most hated people that started on SPL from scratch like @jaki01 - more invested a lot money later for older and new cards, this is a punishment if approved.

Current GF rewards:

If this were to pass they would increase to:

This is a 17% increase to GF rewards.

So under this proposed allocation, both the RF and the GF amounts INCREASE? Where is the SPS coming from then? It feels like the math is off if both of the amounts are increasing....

We're awarding significantly less SPS than we're supposed to according to the white paper:

How can they both increase? What is the current split in percentage? If one goes up, the other will go down, or am I wrong?

Because we've been giving out less rewards than we should be. So there's more rewards to go around. look at the right side of the first chart.