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RE: Increase price of Spellbook compensate with Rebellion Packs

in #spsproposallast year

No, I think Spell-book and starter packs are linked. I leave the details to the Splinterlands Corporation. My proposal is about the Null option (Spell-book price increase 0, 0 starter packs). And I want to NULL the NULL option 😆


Explain a bit more. I am listening.

Onboarding is highly complex and there are surely experienced developers who know how to do it. I want that there comes movement in this topic. I have the bad feeling that there are no new quality players joining. I don't have the numbers but just because 20 Spellbooks are sold, doesn't mean that 20 new quality players joined. Also, there are now new games like Genesis League .... If the Spellbook is too much for new players (after an increase) they can choose to join the newer Games while their Spell-books are still cheap. This way we create scarcity by making Splinterlands an exclusive club everyone wants to join but not everyone can affort to and then Genesis Goals and then .... So be lucky you were one of the first ones when it was still cheap. Don't wait to join the game.

Now to your question: Why is the Spell-book linked to Starter Packs. I thought this is obvious, but it seems it is not. It just came natural in my mind, but let me think about a proof:
Ok, when a new player joins he has to pay money, obvious. This money (real world like Dollar or digi world like Monero) consists of the price for the Spellbook and if the proposal passes also for packs. Now a link has been established. Buying a Spell-book is onboarding but also everytime I buy a pack I onboard a little bit, don't you think so AZIRCON?

I disagree with this direction. GLS and SPL are two ENTIRELY different games. I LOVE SPL but have ZERO desire to play sports games. While we don't want access to this game to be free, making it 'an exclusive club' undermines the purpose of the crypto game (spawn point equality) and works AGAINST the tokenomics and whole economy model. The SPL economy thrives the more players there are competing for the assets. We have had an exclusive club with no new members joining for the past two years and it's been a disaster.

Do you know how I can look up your Sps token value FATJIMMY? I am curious if you really care about this game.

What we need to do is bring back the old players who left. Leave no one behind.

I get it. I am with you.

Offer a new orb like shit they can open each day for some special promo cards.

This is IMO way better option as packs. And can be also priced different like offer some discount on them.

Can have same mechanic as packs for DAO. It also feels way more special.