I wish that this proposal wasn't so bogged down by the middle suggestions section. I'm not sure which direction I'll vote (it looks like it'll pass pre-proposal either way, frankly) but that vote will solely be informed by the initial paragraph that contains the actual proposal.
Personally, I'm against splitting the pool further. That and the potential clutter of twice as many queues are the main ideas that put me off of this. I feel the splitting of humans and bots is a fine idea, and at risk of clocking myself I'd probably participate in both for different reasons. The messy layer of implementation is really the issue though, and that's pretty obviously why this level of resources has not been devoted to the issue yet.
(This section will not influence my vote)
Unfortunately, as much as I dislike the suggestions section, I don't have much to contribute myself. -1 Captcha, -1 team analysis, +1 good faith (I know it may not count for much to some, but I would personally respect). Token checking seems very basic and functional, but then that leaves private bots untouched. I'd say that's the real challenge here.
Appreciate the effort put into the proposal, but I personally am very distracted by the suggestions put forth. If the ideal is to be vague to give the team more to work with, I'd sooner vote on a bare bones proposal with no such distractions.
Thanks OP for sharing what's real for you and putting change into action! That's the coolest thing about this community imo.
Thanks for the kind words and fair criticism. I can definitely improve upon things next time! This proposal system is one of the greatest things I've seen in terms of giving players a voice.