The Proposal
Sunset the current DEC/BUSD LP traded on PancakeSwap and replace it with a new DEC/USDC pool since BUSD will soon no longer be supported by the issuer. After the support period ends, the price of BUSD will become unpredictable.
USDC stands out as a more secure choice compared to USDT due to its association with Circle, which has demonstrated a strong commitment to regulatory compliance through rigorous audits.
PancakeSwap v2 vs v3
Since v2 adds liquidity for the entire spectrum of prices, v3 is technically more suitable for a token with a price ceiling such as DEC. However, due to the additional technical effort required to calculate SPS airdrops for v3, v2 has been chosen for now. Once the company is in a better state with more resources, a new proposal to migrate to v3 may be considered.
Minimal effort required, simply changing the smart contract address for SPS reward calculations
Closing Remarks
Very simple proposal with not a lot to it, but absolutely necessary to ensure DEC has sufficient liquidity on BSC post sunsetting of BUSD.
Thank you for participating in SPS DAO Governance @cryptoeater!
You can place or monitor SPS Stake Weighted votes for and against this proposal at the link below:
Link to this Pre-Proposal
Updated At: 2023-11-07 13:34 UTC
Thank you for putting up the proposal, this is something that absolutely needs to happen.
Simple and straightforward. I agree with the choice to select USDC instead of USDT.
I voted YES because I couldn't find any reason to vote NO. !PIZZA
$PIZZA slices delivered:
@jeremiahcustis(1/10) tipped @cryptoeater
what about hive engine will the pool be available there or only on pancake swap seems alittle narrow if so.....i hope this will change in hive engine pools as well
Thanks I didn't even know easy yes
Thank you for making a proposal to do this. I 100% agree!