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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Solutions to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposallast year

I think this is a good compromise. People have strong opinions on both sides of the bots issue. I believe this works because it doesn't ban bots in wild if they have a respectable amount of owned assets in the game, but at the same time it stops people with little to no investment from taking massive rewards each season by volume (ie thousands of accounts with no assets).

I don't think its a perfect solution, but I do think that its a nice compromise. I also think it will end the ongoing frustration that people have with bots for the most part, so it will help us move on.

I urge both sides of the issue to realize this is a reasonable compromise and recognize we can put this multi-year bickering to bed. Fighting for a pure solution that just goes fully one way or the other would tear apart the game, so I hope people understand and recognize the good that this passing will do.


My suggestion is that if we do this... this is where it ends. I'd rather not waste dev resources on trying to make this happen to turn around and ban bots afterwards. This is a fairly significant ask from the dev team imo.

I agree completely. I hope if this passes that everyone will feel more comfortable with the future on this topic.