Make it a fun game mode like conflicts.
Burned Souls
Are you unsatisfied with the performance of your monsters? Have they let you down again in battle? Rather than leave them unused for eternity in your dungeon (also known as the bottom of the pack!!), why not burn them instead in the Splinterlands Eternal Flame and collect their souls!! 🔥
What good are the souls of my most useless minions?
You can sell their souls to me of course, the Cross/Roads Demon!!!
... if you dare
Like all Cross/Roads demons, we are not to be trusted. We make deals for souls, and demons always win in the end.
I can promise you great things... If you are lucky...
... Anytime you make a deal with a demon you risk leaving empty handed!
But, what's the risk? It's not like you're selling your soul. Put the souls of your most incompetent minions to use!
If you are a new sorcerer trying to rise the ranks, this event is for you.
Swap your dead weight for a new formidable monster. For every x souls you bring me, I guarantee you in return 1 common Ghoul monster. Maybe you win the deal today, but I know you won't be a minnow forever. I know you'll be back one day to make a new deal. I get everybody in the end...
(someone smarter at math figure out ideal souls to get the reward card. For sake of simplicity I will say 1000 souls but change it).
But wait. There's more.
I'm after you big fish. Dolphins, Tuna, Whales? Whatever.
Wouldn't you rather a bigger prize?
What good is a common card to you?
If you can afford to take the risk, why not make a different deal with me, the Cross/Roads Demon?
To swap 1000 souls for the common card, anybody can do that... New players can drag these souls kicking and screaming to me.
... But to carry more than 1000 souls at a time, that's no easy feat. You will need to store them in decanters and transport them in wagons. If you are too impatient to use the free method 1000 souls at a time, if you want to make thousands of deals at at time for a chance at the big prizes, it's going to cost you exponentially more than those minnows. You will need to stock up for this convenience.
There's no work around. To make the big deals you need to bring more souls.
Fill a decanter with 1000 souls. A wagon can hold 5 decanters. Bring these to me, then roll the dice for a slim chance of a great prize!!!
The odds of winning are extremely low.
The Cross/Roads Demon always wins in the end.
These prizes are as rare as totem fragments.
But with great rarity comes great value and bragging rights.
(Someone add some smart math. A lot of souls for chance of rare, meaning you burn them for a roll and could get nothing. A lot more for an epic roll. A big bajillion million for legendary roll. )
Then if you do win a card, you have the choice to stop or keep rolling to turn it gold. If you lose the card is burned right before your eyes and you get nothing. If you win you only get the gold card. Make the odds hard,that Cross/Roads Demon be nasty!!!
(Someone smarter figure a price for decanters. Idea is cards are burned for souls which can guarantee a prize or you can choose to roll. DEC is burned to buy single use decanters (the cross road demon keeps these, he can't have souls flying all around, and he needs to smash and destroy them to get the souls out). And burn vouchers on wagons, but phew at least you get to keep wagons and also use them in conflicts. Good news, the little guys don't need this extra stuff if they just go for that common card 1000 souls at a time.)
Best of luck to you,
The Cross/Roads Demon
That's a rough draft, give it a go!!!