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RE: Splinterlands will try to implement anti-bot measures in Modern format.

in #spsproposal2 years ago

I'm all for getting rid of bots but from what I understand from various people comment and knowledge, cloudflare will only get rid of splintermate but will not affect better bots like Xbot which is probably the most used for it's performance vs no %fees on what you win but simply a flat cost.

That said that will mean that in this current form, this band-aid solution will only cost the down cloudflare and whatever maintenance fees related to it to the DAO without much potential results.

That mean that in this current form, I'm forced to vote no since it's only about wasting people time and the DAO resources for something that will probably backfire in the end. I'll gladly vote yes if we can find better thought solution and not a solution that seems to be placed by Matt to please us but that he don't want anything to do with and don't seems to care much and just sending the invoice to the DAO without really trying to add more dept or layers to the ways this will supposedly get rid of bots.

Again I might be wrong and will be more then happy to switch my vote if someone can prove this wrong.


  1. matt pays for it, the dao should pay for it only when it continues.
  2. how do you get the idea that splintermate accesses the game differently than, for example, xbot or archmage. i think pretty much all currently known to us bots access the game the same!
  3. since all your points were wrong you can now vote yes. love you

Good day Bronko,

Thanks for the clarification, here is a short video made by one of the SL community member that happen to work in cyber security IRL that posted this:

My main understanding was that, from what he's explaining there, that most sophisticated bot services like Xbot and archmage would not be affected by such a measure like cloudflair only.

Again, I guess the best course is to try it once and for all to know if it work or not and worst case senario,it does make a difference and if not, we simply remove it and try something else.

Let's just say that I'm still very skeptical for it to work properly and I do fear that if it actually does work, we'll end up with 5-10 min queues to play or other back fires like that (which in the current state of the game/general feeling of the community regarding the delivery of everything taking forever on top of the various useless drama these days, we could live without even more drama until they finally release more stuff in June.)

The other fear I have regarding all this is that if it does work as intended and it really make bots stop botting, all of these huge bot account can decide to dump on us since it's no longer lucrative for them, tanking even more the economy and making human players even more bearish for the short run.

The other fear is that if it does not work, many people that thought this would be the famous silver bullet to solve everything and that were on the fence because they were tire of bots will realize there is nothing that can actually be done to solve the bot problem and this might again be a negative exode or dump by many more players that will discover that if they were still waiting on the fence, hoping this would be solve soon, will now have no longer faith in it getting solve anytime soon.