I want to end ranked leaderboard prizes until such time as the leaderboard and general ranking system can be overhauled. These prizes are consistently won by the same accounts, which often abuse the system in any way they can.
A few of the known exploits include but are not limited to:
Win trading
Carefully timed cueing
Purposeful ties for first place
Rank point scalping
While skill(or a battle helper) is necessary to achieve a leaderboard position, it's just as much about knowing the ins and outs of how to find favorable matches and avoid bad ones. Until the system can be redesigned to make a fair and balanced ranked system, there's no reason to keep padding these account owners' pockets with $15,000 every month.
I agree. There is no way a normal player can reach these leaderboard rewards.
One first step would be to take away the 72-hours-league-limitation.
To be honest I don't understand why in the last 72 hours of a season a player in diamond cannot be matched with a player in champion (as one example).
this would only serve to create a larger gap with the top players in the leagues because they would then be able to face the accounts that are in champion but do not have the decks to be there. The way it is now, you face the top tier of your league in that last 72 hours so you can not game the system for easier matches.
Sorry but I don't understand this point.
So a player in champion can get matched only against another player in champion, so maybe a player with 4400 get matched against a player with 3500 (who was shortly over 3700, joined champion and lost than again to 3500 what is quite realistic) - this in than better than to get a player in the top-positions of diamond who are at season-end over 4300 ?
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Also, I think it's unfair to fight in the top leaderboards. I've seen before the top with like millions of collection power and playing in Bronze and I'm like, "His deck is at least diamond level" the top 10 probably has all cards in the game maxed for Bronze and this made it unappealing to me to compete in the leaderboards.
Like, I know how to play the game, if I try hard enough, I might be able to get to top 100 but there's no point since I don't have all the available cards in the game in order to compete with the top 20.
Since I realized that, I gave up trying hard. I think there should not be any leaderboards for Bronze, Silver, and Gold since these brackets are just farming areas for those in Champion that has extra cards.
Imagine playing mobile legends and having a free skin if you reach Epic Division. I'm questioning, "why do they need to put rewards where the levels of play is too low?"
Collection power is a really terrible way to determine a players' deck strength. Since gold foil cards have 50x the CP of regular foil cards, and all cards, even duplicates count toward the CP.
I tend to agree that bronze silver and gold leaderboards are a little strange, since it encourages people to stop leveling their cards and hang out there.
Maybe it should be like an achievement with no monetary prize. Like if you place 15th, you get the "🥉15th place Bronze Leaderboard🥉" badge. You could still try for a higher placement in a later season to earn a higher leaderboard badge if you want, or just take aim at earning a silver leaderboard badge.
Have you thought about the amount of DEC-Inflation.
If everybody used max-voucher-amount and I really calculate only the sold (not the bonus) packs I come to the result that alone in the 30 days of Pre-Sale we spent nearly that amount in leaderboard-prices for 10 years:
15 million DEC a month in leaderboard-prices = 180 million DEC a year.
This is nearly nothing when I compare with the Rebellion-Presale:
In the Rebellion-Presale got 441,819 Packs sold (without bonuspacks = only the paied packs) this is at least (if everybody used the 5 Voucher) 1.767.276.000 DEC, so arround ten times more than the leaderboard-prices for one year.