That’s a long reply @davemccoy. Doesn’t change the fact that this proposal sets out how the dao will be run and no public discussion was done.
I’ve no objection to it being you.
I’ve no objection to the proposal itself
I’ve an issue with the lack of discussion.
I don’t like the DAO your correct on that one. IMO While ever sps holders are not included and silenced your going to get people calling the DAO out for it.
For the record, this proposal and position doesn't in any way set out how the DAO is to be run. You are thinking we are way ahead of where we are.
Once an attorney is engaged, then they will draft up articles of incorporation. At that point, the DAO will vote to either agree or not, that decision is NOT up to the Chair of the SPS DAO.
Once the DAO has approved of those forming documents, then the corporation will be set up. Then the Chair of the SPS DAO will be replaced by a whole new set of people in multiple positions subject to a full discussion and vote of the community.
And also for the record, I don't take objections personally so no worries :)