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RE: SPS Governance Proposal - Alternative to Solution to Minimize Bot Farms

in #spsproposal9 months ago

its not good for people who put a lot of money in the game either as that capital was deployed thinking that things were one way then they keep changing making it worse and different decisions would have been made like holding off on some spending until things got more solid etc now im down a lot of money due to the card crash which likely has to do with banning all bots not jsut huge bot farms as many of the bots are people who invested alot running alt accounts not bot farms and now they cant use those bots in modern ok and then wild gets nerfed for rewards that's fine you can adapt a bit now make it even worse for people who like to bot and then play in brawls by making them spend even more money if they want to maintain the rewards for all the alt accounts. I think i have enough CP for mine with 2 million plus but many wont have that. None of the whales are really concerned they can just bot and move cards around like me but its jsut annoying another waste of time i just spent weeks setting up these decks for the last changes.


if rewards are nerfed in wild sps req should be less since you earn less than in modern right now per battle bc of the bonuses and actually more in modern. Need to even that out a bit to and not have the same sps req for mdoern as wild if the rules are diff and giving less rewards overall.

i miss the older days when things didnt change every week and you could plan a bit.