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RE: Increase price of Spellbook compensate with Rebellion Packs

in #spsproposallast year

There are a few still in operation (although 90% have shut down already as evidenced by the reduction from 500k daily actives to 50k today) but no new ones are opening up. Your proposal is supposed to deter new ones but since new ones haven't opened up in over 2 years, it seems like your proposal is to help with a problem that doesn't exist.

And what is anyone going to do by opening up one rebellion pack? That's not even fun, and it will be a deterrent once they realize that one pack isn't even close to enough to field a team (play the game). I'd rather we do what Matt has been talking about. Buy a spellbook and get $3 to instantly rent a whole modern deck in one click. The player should be able to come in and instantly be able to play the game, not need to figure out what it means that they now have 5 cards they bought but can't field a usable team with.

And if it's more than 1 pack, well, now we're talking about a lot more than the $14 you came up with to rebut me.


As I said, I leave the details of the implementation to MATT, CLAYBOYN, the community and also you IMNO as part of the community of course. (14$ was just a silly example so you understand, but it seems it failed 😒). All of you can decide afterwards how the onboarding will be implemented and look in detail.

I just want the price of the Spell-book to increase and compensate with Rebellion packs. Because I want quality onboarding not quantity onboarding. And I also want fairness towards player who bought the book years ago already.