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RE: Push and Shove Token Splinterlands Proposal

in #spsproposallast year

Reading through the comments here it's clear the community isn't fully understanding what this is. What I'm gathering, is this proposal is simply trading thousands of dollars in cards, for the opportunity to market a meme token to the splinterlands community. They're basically asking for a commercial space! The beauty of defi is that these guys can go and do whatever they want with dec/SPS and #1 we can't stop them, #2 them starting this project means there is another usecase for SPS, one that we are not paying for!! I can see nothing but benefits here. As long as these guys have audited smart contracts and their security allows for no rugs (we don't want our community to be taken advantage of!) there are only benefits to this. This proposal will increase the demand for SPS and introduce it to a gigantic market which could help the price of SPS skyrocket and maintain it's improved price. Getting SPS out in the greater defi space also means more opportunities for yield, which helps alleviate some of the sell pressure. Awesome proposal!!!!


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