I would prefer to vote 1 issue at a time because there are so many aspects here that it is difficult to vote
- less prizes for GF tournaments (this was the main reason people were buying GF cards)
- less prizes for wild tournaments
- new Rebelion + X tournaments with high prizes
- no GF alpha tournaments
- no alpha tournaments
- new classic tournaments that don't help alpha at all, you don't need alpha cards to play them (and what would happen to classic after new set release? Chaos Legion would be added here?)
It actually is a 1 issue vote, it just has impact on the whole tournament scene. The 1 issue is "how do we want to allocate tournament rewards." I get that it's not going to be popular with everyone, but it's also important to keep in mind that at no point have we ever had any say in how this is done.
The DAO has been printing and paying inflation for these tournaments for over 2 years and we never at any point took a vote on how we wanted to apportion these rewards. We've just been letting it be done the way it was done. This is the first time the DAO is taking a vote on how it wants to do this, if this proposal fails there will be another one.
My suggestion would be that if you don't agree with this one, then vote no and please join in the conversation for the next one. We had people discussing this one for over a month in Discord before it got enough consensus to go to a proposal. I'm pretty sure I was the only one even pushing to have a "Classic" mode. Most people just want Alpha tournaments gone. I felt it was a better compromise than just going full Rebellion/Modern/Wild. I don't even know if this will pass as is, so we could be going back to the drawing board.
I think classic is a slight for the alpha players, if there even are any alpha players around anymore. However, I think classic is just going to get overrun with the best new cards, so I would recommend having NEW/MOD/WILD/ALPHA with a split of 20/30/40/10. I think classic just moves the value to beta/untamed and devalues alpha, so I would keep the alpha designation with a much smaller prize allocation.
Within each category, RF/GF split should be AT LEAST EVEN, but I would prefer to see slightly more prize for GF since those are the more expensive cards, but that's just my two cents.
I think Classic with Alpha Beta and Untamed is fair, with no new sets ever added. Those sets were before the game really blew up. Certainly you'd at least include Beta surely. I don't see why the prize allocation should be smaller either. If you invested $5k in 2019 you should earn the same per victory as if you invested $5k in 2023. Allowing otherwise is just asking for card values being almost guaranteed to gradually depreciate over time.