To be honest, the gladiator cards are a good addition but it's not as OP in bronze as long as you know how to counter it.
for Quora, just rent Doctor Blight. IT's only 0.57 cents. If you use earth, you can combo it with Obsidian. With the lack of Cleanse in lower league, this actually kills Quora builds.
You can even just use Djinn Oshannus + shield (Prophet Rosa) to counter most of them.
For Katriela Gobson, use Venari Knifer at the back.
Not to mention that ALL bloodlust changes can be countered by dispel.
Gladiators are not really a problem now since there are many outs due to Rebellion. And isn't this why Summoner Tactics are made? So, you can re-strategize after seeing your opponent's build?
this proposal seems rushed and was not thought well. Maybe the whales in the leaderboards in bronze and silver are struggling and that's why they wanted these removed.
This exactly. My Quora often gets countered by Blight and dispel sets her right back to basic. I don't rent, because I can't guarantee having the time to actually play more than a few games at a time. So
I don't have Doctor Blight in my arsenal, but as you say, he's easy enough for new players to get hold of if they want.