I kind of sense a disrespect regarding community wishes with these repeated failed proposals coming back to be voted again. Soon we will be voting again for Rebbelion Packs in chests (but if you can't remember, NOT PUTTING those in chests PASSED, meaning packs should be on chests and not being voted again).
Feeling like from now on, every time the community chooses something the DAO does not want, they will just create the same proposal again until the proposal pass in the way they want to.
Sorry but this has being frustrating for me to follow, and despite the good intentions on this one, I'll keep my No. In fact, in the same detailed post you mentioned below:
The points made by user bitcoinflood were great, and I guess he's right.
Listing is too expensive, with fewer benefits then using the money to make the game better.
Me running these proposals does not indicate my support for them. If you read what I wrote on that post I linked you'll probably be able to deduce my sentiment on the whole situation. It's a job. I try to educate and help everyone make their best informed decision.
You can read the discussion that led to the creation of this proposal in the Community Discord if you have a registered account at the link below and see that it had significant support to run a second proposal. Currently we are discussing how to handle another Rebellion Packs in chest proposal as well. If there's some indicator we have reached a compromise or consensus I'll run another proposal for that.